diff options
authorLudovic Pouzenc <>2010-12-09 22:14:58 +0000
committerLudovic Pouzenc <>2010-12-09 22:14:58 +0000
commita1a8ffa6a66367db634065a94a6eec2b36f63864 (patch)
parentf643ff055c5017833f17dc620c4f0a98b10940fa (diff)
Optimisation graphiques (options surfaces, 32bits plutôt que 24, code vraiment correct pour l'algo des dirty rectangles. Passage de non_integre à intregre de quelques fonctions du code de Dams.
git-svn-id: file:///var/svn/2010-netlemmings/trunk@188 077b3477-7977-48bd-8428-443f22f7bfda
8 files changed, 965 insertions, 759 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 7f89e94..7f9af19 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ set(INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES src/include)
include_directories("${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}")
add_definitions(-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -std=c99 -D_POSIX_SOURCE -g)
diff --git a/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_integrees.c b/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_integrees.c
index d40638b..0b9cc5b 100644
--- a/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_integrees.c
+++ b/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_integrees.c
@@ -117,3 +117,913 @@ Uint32* tab_of_string_to_Uint32 (char* c, int taille){
return tab;
+ int putBrickPx(int x,int y,SDL_Surface *s,Uint32 bgColor,Uint32 debrisColor){
+ int err;
+ SDL_Rect from,to;
+ from.x=0;
+ from.y=0;
+ from.w=s->w;
+ from.h=s->h;
+ to.x=x;
+ to.y=y;
+ to.w=x+s->w;
+ to.h=y+s->h;
+ if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pTerrain,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencilFixe))!=0){
+ return err;
+ }
+ if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pStencilFixe,to,ccc_bgStencil,ccc_lemming,18,NULL))!=0){
+ return err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int ereasePx(int x,int y,SDL_Surface *s,Uint32 bgColor){
+ int err;
+ SDL_Rect from,to;
+ from.x=0;
+ from.y=0;
+ from.w=s->w;
+ from.h=s->h;
+ to.x=x;
+ to.y=y;
+ to.w=x+s->w;
+ to.h=y+s->h;
+ if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pTerrain,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencil))!=0){
+ return err;
+ }
+ if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pSpr_Lem,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencil))!=0){
+ return err;
+ }
+ if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pSprLemBack,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencil))!=0){
+ return err;
+ }
+ if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pStencil,to,ccc_bgStencil,ccc_lemming,18,NULL))!=0){
+ return err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ SDL_Surface* flipSurfaceUD_LR(SDL_Surface* src, enum sens sensO, Uint32 c) {
+ int i,j;
+ SDL_Surface* copy_surface = NULL;
+ // This only works for 32 bit pixel format
+ if( src->format->BitsPerPixel == 32 ) {
+ // This surface must be freed by the caller.
+ copy_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(src->flags, src->w, src->h,
+ src->format->BitsPerPixel,
+ src->format->Rmask,
+ src->format->Gmask,
+ src->format->Bmask,
+ src->format->Amask);
+ SDL_SetColorKey( copy_surface,
+ //src->format->colorkey
+ SDL_MapRGB( copy_surface->format,
+ (c >> 16) & 0xff,
+ (c >> 8) & 0xff,
+ (c & 0xff))
+ );
+ //FIXME : lock surface
+ Uint32 *source = src->pixels;
+ Uint32 *dest = copy_surface->pixels;
+ for(i = 0; i < src->h; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < src->w; j++) {
+ if (sensO == UD){// Sens UD
+ dest[ (src->h-i-1)*src->w + j ] = source[ i*src->w + j];
+ }
+ if (sensO == LR){// Sens LR
+ dest[ i*src->w + (src->w-j-1) ] = source[ i*src->w + j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return copy_surface;
+ }
+ SDL_Surface *load_image( char* filename, Uint32 cbg )
+ {
+ //L'image qui est chargée
+ SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL;
+ //L'image optimisée qu'on va utiliser
+ SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL;
+ //Chargement de l'image
+ loadedImage = IMG_Load( filename );
+ //Si l'image est chargée
+ if( loadedImage != NULL )
+ {
+ //Création de l'image optimisée
+ optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat( loadedImage );
+ //Si la création de l'image optimisée s'est bien passée
+ if( optimizedImage != NULL )
+ {
+ SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage,
+ SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format,
+ (cbg >> 16) & 0xff,
+ (cbg >> 8) & 0xff,
+ (cbg & 0xff)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ //Libération de l'ancienne image
+ SDL_FreeSurface( loadedImage );
+ }
+ //On retourne l'image optimisée
+ return optimizedImage;
+ //return loadedImage;
+ }
+ int load_files(struct gameInit *gInit)
+ {
+ int lt,ltt,ltlem;
+ int err=0;
+ int res, lterrain, lobjet, lsteel;
+ char *folder;
+ char *spriteINI;
+ char *lemINI;
+ char *terrainGif;
+ char *objetGif;
+ char *steelGif;
+ char *temp;
+ int tabNum[255];
+ int i,tempi,max,j;
+ struct dirent *lecture;
+ DIR *rep;
+ yyparse(gInit);
+ fclose(yyin);
+ //-DEBUG-printf("CLOSE 1\n");
+ lt = (strlen("../../../styles/"));
+ ltlem = (strlen("../../../misc/lemming.ini"));
+ ltt = (strlen(tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]));
+ folder = malloc(sizeof(char)*(lt+ltt+1));
+ spriteINI = malloc(sizeof(char)*(lt+ltt*2+5));// *2:dossier/fichier, +4: .ini, +1: string
+ lemINI = malloc(sizeof(char)*ltlem+1);
+ //folder = "/home/jazzblue/Bureau/Projet-Lemmings/trunk/styles/dirt";
+ //-DEBUG-printf("test segFault\n");
+ sprintf(folder,"../../../styles/%s",tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
+ sprintf(spriteINI,"%s/%s.ini",folder,tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
+ sprintf(lemINI,"%s","../../../misc/lemming.ini");
+ //-DEBUG-printf("test2\n");
+ temp = tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->];
+ lt = strlen(temp);
+ lterrain = lt+1;
+ lobjet = lt+2;
+ lsteel = lt+3;
+ terrainGif=malloc(sizeof(char)*(lterrain+1));
+ objetGif=malloc(sizeof(char)*(lobjet+1));
+ steelGif=malloc(sizeof(char)*(lsteel+1));
+ sprintf(terrainGif,"%s_",temp);
+ sprintf(objetGif,"%so_",temp);
+ sprintf(steelGif,"%som_",temp);
+ // Compter les textures de terrain
+ rep = opendir(folder);
+ if (rep==NULL) {
+ //-DEBUG-printf("Erreur opendir('%s')\n", folder);
+ return(31);
+ }
+ while ((lecture = readdir(rep))) {
+ if( (res=strncmp(terrainGif, lecture->d_name,lterrain)) == 0 ){
+ ++(gInit->;
+ } else {
+ if( (res=strncmp(objetGif, lecture->d_name,lobjet)) == 0 ) {
+ ++(gInit->;
+ } else {
+ if ( (res=strncmp(steelGif, lecture->d_name,lsteel)) == 0 ) {
+ sscanf(lecture->d_name+lsteel, "%i", &(tabNum[gInit->]));
+ ++(gInit->;
+ } else {
+ //-DEBUG-printf("BUG : type de fichier non reconnu [%s] \n", lecture->d_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(rep);
+ //tri tableau
+ for(j=0;j<2;++j){
+ for(i=0;i<gInit->;++i){
+ max=tabNum[i];
+ tempi=tabNum[i+1];
+ if(max > tempi){
+ tabNum[i]=tempi;
+ tabNum[i+1]=max;
+ i=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ yyin=fopen(spriteINI, "r");
+ if (yyin==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Filename INVALIDE: %s\n",spriteINI);
+ perror("Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration des sprite"); return(32);
+ }
+ yyparse(gInit);
+ fclose(yyin);
+ //-DEBUG-printf("CLOSE 2\n");
+ yyin=fopen(lemINI, "r");
+ if (yyin==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Filename INVALIDE: %s\n",lemINI);
+ perror("Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration des lemmings"); return(33);
+ }
+ yyparse(gInit);
+ fclose(yyin);
+ //-DEBUG-printf("CLOSE 3\n");
+ //-DEBUG-printf("REVERSE\n");
+ gInit-> listeSimplementChainee*)rev_listeO(gInit->;
+ //-DEBUG-printf("REVERSE o.lo\n");
+ gInit->o.lo=(struct listeSimplementChainee*)rev_listeO(gInit->o.lo);
+ //-DEBUG-printf("REVERSE\n");
+ gInit-> listeSimplementChainee*)rev_listeO(gInit->;
+ err=load_fields(folder, gInit, tabNum);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ //err=afficher(gInit);
+ //if(err!=0){return err;}
+ //Si tout s'est bien passé
+ free(terrainGif);
+ free(objetGif);
+ free(steelGif);
+ free(folder);
+ free(spriteINI);
+ free(lemINI);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int afficher(struct gameInit *gInit){
+ int i;
+ struct listeSimplementChainee *k;
+ printf("LES PARAMETRES:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<IDENT_COUNT;++i){
+ printf("\t%s = %d\n",tabString_eParaMap[i],gInit->mapI.paraMap[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\txPos = %d\n",gInit->mapI.xPos);
+ printf("\tstyle = %s\n",tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
+ printf("LE NOM DU NIVEAU:\n");
+ printf("name = %s\n",gInit->;
+ printf("LES COULEURS DU NIVEAU:\n");
+ printf("bgColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
+ ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit-> & 0xff) );
+ printf("debrisColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
+ ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit-> & 0xff) );
+ printf("debrisColor:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<PARTICULE_COUNT;++i){
+ printf("\tP%d: R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",i,
+ ((gInit->[i]>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->[i]>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit->[i] & 0xff) );
+ }
+ printf("TERRAINS:\n");
+ k=gInit->;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraTerrain non initialiser\n");return(34);}
+ printf("\tterrain_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y,k->>modif);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("OBJETS:\n");
+ k=gInit->o.lo;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k->data.po != NULL){ //{printf("paraObjet non initialiser\n");return(35);}
+ printf("\tobject_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y, k->data.po->paintMode,k->data.po->UD);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("STEELS:\n");
+ k=gInit->;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraSteel non initialiser\n");return(36);}
+ printf("\tsteel_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID=i, k->x, k->y, k->>w,k->>h); // FIXME big fuck here with "="
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("DATA SPRITES OBJET:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<gInit->;++i){
+ printf("spr_%d:\n\tframes_%d = %d\n\tanim_%d = %d\n\ttype_%d = %d\n\tsound_%d = %d\n",i,i,gInit->[i].state,i,gInit->[i].anim,i,gInit->[i].type,i,gInit->[i].sound);
+ }
+ printf("DATA JOB LEMMINGS:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<LEM_JOB;++i){
+ printf("lem_%d:\n\tlemm_%d = %d, %d, %d\n\tpos_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].state,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].dir,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].anim,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footX,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footY,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footSize);
+ if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask != NULL){
+ printf("\tmask_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->stateM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->dirM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->cooldown);
+ }
+ if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask != NULL){
+ printf("\timask_%d = %d , %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->stateI,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->dirI);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int afficher(struct gameInit *gInit){
+ int i;
+ struct listeSimplementChainee *k;
+ printf("LES PARAMETRES:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<IDENT_COUNT;++i){
+ printf("\t%s = %d\n",tabString_eParaMap[i],gInit->mapI.paraMap[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\txPos = %d\n",gInit->mapI.xPos);
+ printf("\tstyle = %s\n",tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
+ printf("LE NOM DU NIVEAU:\n");
+ printf("name = %s\n",gInit->;
+ printf("LES COULEURS DU NIVEAU:\n");
+ printf("bgColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
+ ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit-> & 0xff) );
+ printf("debrisColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
+ ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit-> & 0xff) );
+ printf("debrisColor:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<PARTICULE_COUNT;++i){
+ printf("\tP%d: R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",i,
+ ((gInit->[i]>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->[i]>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit->[i] & 0xff) );
+ }
+ printf("TERRAINS:\n");
+ k=gInit->;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraTerrain non initialiser\n");return(34);}
+ printf("\tterrain_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y,k->>modif);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("OBJETS:\n");
+ k=gInit->o.lo;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k->data.po != NULL){ //{printf("paraObjet non initialiser\n");return(35);}
+ printf("\tobject_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y, k->data.po->paintMode,k->data.po->UD);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("STEELS:\n");
+ k=gInit->;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraSteel non initialiser\n");return(36);}
+ printf("\tsteel_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID=i, k->x, k->y, k->>w,k->>h); // FIXME big fuck here with "="
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("DATA SPRITES OBJET:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<gInit->;++i){
+ printf("spr_%d:\n\tframes_%d = %d\n\tanim_%d = %d\n\ttype_%d = %d\n\tsound_%d = %d\n",i,i,gInit->[i].state,i,gInit->[i].anim,i,gInit->[i].type,i,gInit->[i].sound);
+ }
+ printf("DATA JOB LEMMINGS:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<LEM_JOB;++i){
+ printf("lem_%d:\n\tlemm_%d = %d, %d, %d\n\tpos_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].state,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].dir,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].anim,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footX,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footY,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footSize);
+ if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask != NULL){
+ printf("\tmask_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->stateM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->dirM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->cooldown);
+ }
+ if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask != NULL){
+ printf("\timask_%d = %d , %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->stateI,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->dirI);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int afficher(struct gameInit *gInit){
+ int i;
+ struct listeSimplementChainee *k;
+ printf("LES PARAMETRES:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<IDENT_COUNT;++i){
+ printf("\t%s = %d\n",tabString_eParaMap[i],gInit->mapI.paraMap[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\txPos = %d\n",gInit->mapI.xPos);
+ printf("\tstyle = %s\n",tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
+ printf("LE NOM DU NIVEAU:\n");
+ printf("name = %s\n",gInit->;
+ printf("LES COULEURS DU NIVEAU:\n");
+ printf("bgColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
+ ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit-> & 0xff) );
+ printf("debrisColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
+ ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit-> & 0xff) );
+ printf("debrisColor:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<PARTICULE_COUNT;++i){
+ printf("\tP%d: R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",i,
+ ((gInit->[i]>>16) & 0xff),
+ ((gInit->[i]>>8) & 0xff),
+ (gInit->[i] & 0xff) );
+ }
+ printf("TERRAINS:\n");
+ k=gInit->;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraTerrain non initialiser\n");return(34);}
+ printf("\tterrain_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y,k->>modif);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("OBJETS:\n");
+ k=gInit->o.lo;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k->data.po != NULL){ //{printf("paraObjet non initialiser\n");return(35);}
+ printf("\tobject_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y, k->data.po->paintMode,k->data.po->UD);
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("STEELS:\n");
+ k=gInit->;
+ i=0;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraSteel non initialiser\n");return(36);}
+ printf("\tsteel_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID=i, k->x, k->y, k->>w,k->>h); // FIXME big fuck here with "="
+ }
+ ++i;
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ printf("DATA SPRITES OBJET:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<gInit->;++i){
+ printf("spr_%d:\n\tframes_%d = %d\n\tanim_%d = %d\n\ttype_%d = %d\n\tsound_%d = %d\n",i,i,gInit->[i].state,i,gInit->[i].anim,i,gInit->[i].type,i,gInit->[i].sound);
+ }
+ printf("DATA JOB LEMMINGS:\n");
+ for(i=0;i<LEM_JOB;++i){
+ printf("lem_%d:\n\tlemm_%d = %d, %d, %d\n\tpos_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].state,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].dir,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].anim,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footX,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footY,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footSize);
+ if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask != NULL){
+ printf("\tmask_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->stateM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->dirM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->cooldown);
+ }
+ if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask != NULL){
+ printf("\timask_%d = %d , %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->stateI,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->dirI);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int test_O_UD(int UD){
+ switch(UD){
+ case 4 : return 1;break;
+ case 6 : return 1;break;
+ case 12 : return 1;break;
+ case 14 : return 1;break;
+ default: return 0;break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int paint_terrain (struct gameInit *gInit, int choix){
+ struct listeSimplementChainee *k=NULL;
+ SDL_Rect offset;
+ SDL_Surface *sf;
+ int err=0;
+ int overwrite=0;
+ int remove=0;
+ int paint=0;
+ int tx,ty=0;
+ int cpt=0;
+ int ok=0;
+ Uint32 color;
+ // //-DEBUG-printf("LES TERRAINS : ");
+ k=gInit->;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ offset.x = k->x;
+ offset.y = k->y;
+ sf = gInit->[test_O_UD(k->>modif)+k->ID*2+ADD_OBJ];
+ if((k->>modif != 0)&&
+ (k->>modif != 2)&&
+ (k->>modif != 4)&&
+ (k->>modif != 6)&&
+ (k->>modif != 8)&&
+ (k->>modif != 10)&&
+ (k->>modif != 12)&&
+ (k->>modif != 14)&&
+ (k->>modif != 15)
+ ) {
+ //-DEBUG-printf("WTF ... k->>modif == %d\n",k->>modif);
+ return(40);
+ }
+ for(ty=k->y;ty<sf->h+k->y;++ty){
+ if(ty<0) {ty=-1;continue;}
+ if(ty>=pTerrain->h){break;}
+ if(ty>=LEVEL_HEIGHT) {break;}
+ for(tx=k->x;tx<sf->w+k->x;++tx){
+ if(tx<0) {tx=-1;continue;}
+ if(tx>=pTerrain->w){break;}
+ if(tx>=LEVEL_WIDTH) {break;}
+//FIXME : le bloc suivant ne dépends pas de x et y !
+ overwrite = ((k->>modif & 8) == 8)? 0 : 1;
+ remove = ((k->>modif & 2) == 2)? 1 : 0;
+ if(k->>modif == 15){
+ overwrite=0;
+ remove=0;
+ }
+ color = get_pixel32(tx-k->x,ty-k->y,sf);
+ if(color==ccc_error){return 250;}
+ if (color == ccc_black)
+ { //putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tEmpty );
+ continue;
+ }
+ paint=0;
+ if(!overwrite){
+ //FIXME : What the hell avec deux fois ce get_pixel ?!?
+ if((get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil)==ccc_error)){return 67;}
+ // don't overwrite -> only paint if background is transparent
+ if(((get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil)>>24) & 0xff ) == 0)
+ {// ccc_tEmpty){
+ paint=1;
+ }
+ } else if(remove){
+ // if(((get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil)) & ccc_tFull) != 0){
+ err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty , gInit->;
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tRemove );//ccc_tEmpty);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ // }
+ } else {
+ paint=1;
+ }
+ if(paint==1){
+ if(!overwrite){
+ if(!remove){
+ err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty ,color);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ if(k->>modif==15){
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tHidden );//ccc_tBrick);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ } else {
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tNoOverwrite );//ccc_tBrick);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ }
+ } else {
+ err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty ,color);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tRemoveNoOverwrite );//ccc_tBrick);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ }
+ } else {
+ err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty ,color);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tFull );//ccc_tBrick);
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ }
+ }
+ }//fin tx
+ }//fin ty
+ k=k->next;
+ cpt++;
+ ok=0;
+ //test_FillRect( screen, &screen->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ) ); test_blit(pTerrain, &camera, screen, NULL); if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 ) { return 1;} //scanf("%d",&pas);
+ }
+ // elimination des pixel remove
+ for(ty=0;ty<LEVEL_HEIGHT;++ty){
+ for(tx=0;tx<LEVEL_WIDTH;++tx){
+ color = get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil);
+ if(color==ccc_tRemove){
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_bgStencil );
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ } else {
+ if(color!=ccc_bgStencil){
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tBrick );
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // //-DEBUG-printf("LES STEEL : ");
+ k=gInit->;
+ while ( k !=NULL ) {
+ offset.x = k->x;
+ offset.y = k->y;
+ sf = gInit->[ADD_OBJ+(gInit->*2)+(gInit->*2)+k->ID];
+ offset.w = k->>w;
+ offset.h = k->>h;
+ //-DEBUG-printf("H=)> %d\n",offset.h);
+ for(ty=k->y;ty<offset.h+k->y;++ty){
+ if(ty<0) {ty=-1;continue;}
+ if(ty>pTerrain->h){break;}
+ if(ty>=LEVEL_HEIGHT) {break;}
+ for(tx=k->x;tx<offset.w+k->x;++tx){
+ if(tx<0) {tx=-1;continue;}
+ if(tx>pTerrain->w){break;}
+ if(tx>=LEVEL_WIDTH) {break;}
+ color = get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil);
+ if(color==ccc_error){return 219;}
+ if (color == ccc_black){
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_s );
+ if(err!=0){return err;}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // test_FillRect(pStencil, &offset, ccc_s);
+ k=k->next;
+ }
+ //}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int paint_manip(SDL_Surface *spr,SDL_Rect from,SDL_Surface *t,SDL_Rect to,Uint32 ccc_t, Uint32 ccc_spr, int mode, SDL_Surface *stencil){
+ int size,i,j,err;
+ void *temp_pixels = NULL;
+ Uint32 ccc_temp=0x00000000;
+ Uint32 ccc_temp2=0x00000000;
+ Uint32 ccc_temp3=0x00000000;
+ //FULL
+ if(mode==0){
+ err=test_blit(spr,&from, t,&to,0);
+ return err;
+ }
+ //-DEBUG-printf("paint_manip(), from.x==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
+ if(from.y<0 || from.y > spr->h) {
+ //-DEBUG-
+ printf("paint_manip(1) rectFrom_Y out, from.x==%4i, FROM.Y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(from.x<0 || from.x > spr->w) {
+ //-DEBUG-
+ printf("paint_manip(2) rectFrom_X out, FROM.X==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(to.y<0 || to.y > t->h) {
+ //-DEBUG-
+ printf("paint_manip(3) rectTO_Y out, from.x==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, TO.Y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(to.x<0 || to.x > t->w) {
+ //-DEBUG-
+ printf("paint_manip(4) rectTO_X out, from.x==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from TO.X==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(from.y+from.h > spr->h) {
+ from.h=spr->h - from.y;
+ }
+ if(from.x+from.w > spr->w) {
+ from.w=spr->w - from.x;
+ }
+ if(to.y+from.h > t->h) {
+ from.h=t->h - to.y;
+ }
+ if(to.x + from.w > t->w) {
+ from.w=t->w - to.x;
+ }
+ size=spr->h*spr->pitch;
+ temp_pixels=malloc(size);
+ SDL_LockSurface(spr);
+ SDL_LockSurface(t);
+ if(stencil!=NULL) SDL_LockSurface(stencil);
+ memcpy(temp_pixels,spr->pixels,size);
+ if(mode==4){
+ for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
+ /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
+ //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound1 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
+ return 56;
+ //continue;
+ }*/
+ ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p t->format->colorkey\n",ccc_temp,t->format->colorkey);
+ if (ccc_temp!=ccc_t) {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp;//spr->format->colorkey;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(mode==8){
+ for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
+ /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
+ //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
+ return 57;
+ //continue;
+ }*/
+ ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p ccc_t\n",ccc_temp,ccc_t);
+ if (ccc_temp==ccc_t) {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // erease pixel
+ if(mode==17){
+ for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
+ /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
+ //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
+ return 57;
+ //continue;
+ }*/
+ ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i];//((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ ccc_temp2=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ ccc_temp3=((Uint32 *)stencil->pixels)[(to.y+j)*stencil->w+(to.x+i)];
+ //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p ccc_t\n",ccc_temp,ccc_t);
+ if ((ccc_temp!=ccc_spr)&&((ccc_tBrick==ccc_temp3)||((ccc_temp3 & 0xff)==0xcb))) {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
+ } else {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // erease pixel
+ if(mode==18){
+ for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
+ /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
+ //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
+ return 57;
+ //continue;
+ }*/
+ ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i];//((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ ccc_temp2=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ //-DEBUG-
+ // printf("ccc_temp = %p != %p ccc_spr && ccc_tBrick %p == %p ccc_temp2\n",ccc_temp,ccc_spr,ccc_tBrick,ccc_temp2);
+ if ((ccc_temp!=ccc_spr)&&((ccc_tBrick==ccc_temp2)||((ccc_temp2 & 0xff)==0xcb))) {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
+ } else {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // objet trap
+ if(mode==19){
+ for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
+ /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
+ //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
+ return 57;
+ //continue;
+ }*/
+ ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i];//((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ ccc_temp2=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
+ //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p ccc_t\n",ccc_temp,ccc_t);
+ if (ccc_temp!=ccc_spr){
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
+ } else {
+ ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(stencil!=NULL) SDL_UnlockSurface(stencil);
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(t);
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(spr);
+ test_blit(spr,&from, t,&to,0);
+ SDL_LockSurface(spr);
+ memcpy(spr->pixels,temp_pixels,size);
+ SDL_UnlockSurface(spr);
+ free(temp_pixels);
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_non_integrees.c b/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_non_integrees.c
index 6a2a328..df0e46d 100644
--- a/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_non_integrees.c
+++ b/sdl-test/SDL_tuto/TestParserLemmingsLVL/fonctions_non_integrees.c
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ int reachedPlateau(int x, int y, int size, int dir) {
if(err==ccc_error){return 115;}
- if((err==ccc_oNoDigLeft)||(err==ccc_oNoDigRight)){
+ if( (err==ccc_oNoDigLeft) || (err==ccc_oNoDigRight) ){
return 0;
@@ -1008,63 +1008,6 @@ int stateLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
return 0;
- int putBrickPx(int x,int y,SDL_Surface *s,Uint32 bgColor,Uint32 debrisColor){
- int err;
- SDL_Rect from,to;
- from.x=0;
- from.y=0;
- from.w=s->w;
- from.h=s->h;
- to.x=x;
- to.y=y;
- to.w=x+s->w;
- to.h=y+s->h;
- if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pTerrain,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencilFixe))!=0){
- return err;
- }
- if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pStencilFixe,to,ccc_bgStencil,ccc_lemming,18,NULL))!=0){
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int ereasePx(int x,int y,SDL_Surface *s,Uint32 bgColor){
- int err;
- SDL_Rect from,to;
- from.x=0;
- from.y=0;
- from.w=s->w;
- from.h=s->h;
- to.x=x;
- to.y=y;
- to.w=x+s->w;
- to.h=y+s->h;
- if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pTerrain,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencil))!=0){
- return err;
- }
- if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pSpr_Lem,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencil))!=0){
- return err;
- }
- if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pSprLemBack,to,bgColor,ccc_lemming,17,pStencil))!=0){
- return err;
- }
- if((err=paint_manip(s,from,pStencil,to,ccc_bgStencil,ccc_lemming,18,NULL))!=0){
- return err;
- }
- return 0;
- }
int print_num(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Surface *src, int x, int y, int value, int nbrMaxOfChiffre)
@@ -1180,92 +1123,6 @@ int stateLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
- SDL_Surface* flipSurfaceUD_LR(SDL_Surface* src, enum sens sensO, Uint32 c) {
- int i,j;
- SDL_Surface* copy_surface = NULL;
- // This only works for 32 bit pixel format
- if( src->format->BitsPerPixel == 32 ) {
- // This surface must be freed by the caller.
- copy_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(src->flags, src->w, src->h,
- src->format->BitsPerPixel,
- src->format->Rmask,
- src->format->Gmask,
- src->format->Bmask,
- src->format->Amask);
- SDL_SetColorKey( copy_surface,
- //src->format->colorkey
- SDL_MapRGB( copy_surface->format,
- (c >> 16) & 0xff,
- (c >> 8) & 0xff,
- (c & 0xff))
- );
- //FIXME : lock surface
- Uint32 *source = src->pixels;
- Uint32 *dest = copy_surface->pixels;
- for(i = 0; i < src->h; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < src->w; j++) {
- if (sensO == UD){// Sens UD
- dest[ (src->h-i-1)*src->w + j ] = source[ i*src->w + j];
- }
- if (sensO == LR){// Sens LR
- dest[ i*src->w + (src->w-j-1) ] = source[ i*src->w + j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return copy_surface;
- }
- SDL_Surface *load_image( char* filename, Uint32 cbg )
- {
- //L'image qui est chargée
- SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL;
- //L'image optimisée qu'on va utiliser
- SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL;
- //Chargement de l'image
- loadedImage = IMG_Load( filename );
- //Si l'image est chargée
- if( loadedImage != NULL )
- {
- //Création de l'image optimisée
- optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat( loadedImage );
- //Si la création de l'image optimisée s'est bien passée
- if( optimizedImage != NULL )
- {
- SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage,
- SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format,
- (cbg >> 16) & 0xff,
- (cbg >> 8) & 0xff,
- (cbg & 0xff)
- )
- );
- }
- //Libération de l'ancienne image
- SDL_FreeSurface( loadedImage );
- }
- //On retourne l'image optimisée
- return optimizedImage;
- //return loadedImage;
- }
int load_fields(char *folder, struct gameInit *gInit, int tabNum[255] ) {
int i, lt,total,cpt=-1,llem;
char *temp;
@@ -1508,227 +1365,6 @@ int stateLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
- int load_files(struct gameInit *gInit)
- {
- int lt,ltt,ltlem;
- int err=0;
- int res, lterrain, lobjet, lsteel;
- char *folder;
- char *spriteINI;
- char *lemINI;
- char *terrainGif;
- char *objetGif;
- char *steelGif;
- char *temp;
- int tabNum[255];
- int i,tempi,max,j;
- struct dirent *lecture;
- DIR *rep;
- yyparse(gInit);
- fclose(yyin);
- //-DEBUG-printf("CLOSE 1\n");
- lt = (strlen("../../../styles/"));
- ltlem = (strlen("../../../misc/lemming.ini"));
- ltt = (strlen(tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]));
- folder = malloc(sizeof(char)*(lt+ltt+1));
- spriteINI = malloc(sizeof(char)*(lt+ltt*2+5));// *2:dossier/fichier, +4: .ini, +1: string
- lemINI = malloc(sizeof(char)*ltlem+1);
- //folder = "/home/jazzblue/Bureau/Projet-Lemmings/trunk/styles/dirt";
- //-DEBUG-printf("test segFault\n");
- sprintf(folder,"../../../styles/%s",tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
- sprintf(spriteINI,"%s/%s.ini",folder,tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
- sprintf(lemINI,"%s","../../../misc/lemming.ini");
- //-DEBUG-printf("test2\n");
- temp = tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->];
- lt = strlen(temp);
- lterrain = lt+1;
- lobjet = lt+2;
- lsteel = lt+3;
- terrainGif=malloc(sizeof(char)*(lterrain+1));
- objetGif=malloc(sizeof(char)*(lobjet+1));
- steelGif=malloc(sizeof(char)*(lsteel+1));
- sprintf(terrainGif,"%s_",temp);
- sprintf(objetGif,"%so_",temp);
- sprintf(steelGif,"%som_",temp);
- // Compter les textures de terrain
- rep = opendir(folder);
- if (rep==NULL) {
- //-DEBUG-printf("Erreur opendir('%s')\n", folder);
- return(31);
- }
- while ((lecture = readdir(rep))) {
- if( (res=strncmp(terrainGif, lecture->d_name,lterrain)) == 0 ){
- ++(gInit->;
- } else {
- if( (res=strncmp(objetGif, lecture->d_name,lobjet)) == 0 ) {
- ++(gInit->;
- } else {
- if ( (res=strncmp(steelGif, lecture->d_name,lsteel)) == 0 ) {
- sscanf(lecture->d_name+lsteel, "%i", &(tabNum[gInit->]));
- ++(gInit->;
- } else {
- //-DEBUG-printf("BUG : type de fichier non reconnu [%s] \n", lecture->d_name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(rep);
- //tri tableau
- for(j=0;j<2;++j){
- for(i=0;i<gInit->;++i){
- max=tabNum[i];
- tempi=tabNum[i+1];
- if(max > tempi){
- tabNum[i]=tempi;
- tabNum[i+1]=max;
- i=0;
- }
- }
- }
- yyin=fopen(spriteINI, "r");
- if (yyin==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Filename INVALIDE: %s\n",spriteINI);
- perror("Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration des sprite"); return(32);
- }
- yyparse(gInit);
- fclose(yyin);
- //-DEBUG-printf("CLOSE 2\n");
- yyin=fopen(lemINI, "r");
- if (yyin==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Filename INVALIDE: %s\n",lemINI);
- perror("Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de configuration des lemmings"); return(33);
- }
- yyparse(gInit);
- fclose(yyin);
- //-DEBUG-printf("CLOSE 3\n");
- //-DEBUG-printf("REVERSE\n");
- gInit-> listeSimplementChainee*)rev_listeO(gInit->;
- //-DEBUG-printf("REVERSE o.lo\n");
- gInit->o.lo=(struct listeSimplementChainee*)rev_listeO(gInit->o.lo);
- //-DEBUG-printf("REVERSE\n");
- gInit-> listeSimplementChainee*)rev_listeO(gInit->;
- err=load_fields(folder, gInit, tabNum);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- //err=afficher(gInit);
- //if(err!=0){return err;}
- //Si tout s'est bien passé
- free(terrainGif);
- free(objetGif);
- free(steelGif);
- free(folder);
- free(spriteINI);
- free(lemINI);
- return 0;
- }
- int afficher(struct gameInit *gInit){
- int i;
- struct listeSimplementChainee *k;
- printf("LES PARAMETRES:\n");
- for(i=0;i<IDENT_COUNT;++i){
- printf("\t%s = %d\n",tabString_eParaMap[i],gInit->mapI.paraMap[i]);
- }
- printf("\txPos = %d\n",gInit->mapI.xPos);
- printf("\tstyle = %s\n",tabString_eMapStyle[gInit->]);
- printf("LE NOM DU NIVEAU:\n");
- printf("name = %s\n",gInit->;
- printf("LES COULEURS DU NIVEAU:\n");
- printf("bgColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
- ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
- ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
- (gInit-> & 0xff) );
- printf("debrisColor R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",
- ((gInit->>>16) & 0xff),
- ((gInit->>>8) & 0xff),
- (gInit-> & 0xff) );
- printf("debrisColor:\n");
- for(i=0;i<PARTICULE_COUNT;++i){
- printf("\tP%d: R = %X G = %X B = %X\n",i,
- ((gInit->[i]>>16) & 0xff),
- ((gInit->[i]>>8) & 0xff),
- (gInit->[i] & 0xff) );
- }
- printf("TERRAINS:\n");
- k=gInit->;
- i=0;
- while ( k !=NULL ) {
- if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraTerrain non initialiser\n");return(34);}
- printf("\tterrain_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y,k->>modif);
- }
- ++i;
- k=k->next;
- }
- printf("OBJETS:\n");
- k=gInit->o.lo;
- i=0;
- while ( k !=NULL ) {
- if(k->data.po != NULL){ //{printf("paraObjet non initialiser\n");return(35);}
- printf("\tobject_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID, k->x, k->y, k->data.po->paintMode,k->data.po->UD);
- }
- ++i;
- k=k->next;
- }
- printf("STEELS:\n");
- k=gInit->;
- i=0;
- while ( k !=NULL ) {
- if(k-> != NULL){//{printf("paraSteel non initialiser\n");return(36);}
- printf("\tsteel_%d = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n",i,k->ID=i, k->x, k->y, k->>w,k->>h); // FIXME big fuck here with "="
- }
- ++i;
- k=k->next;
- }
- printf("DATA SPRITES OBJET:\n");
- for(i=0;i<gInit->;++i){
- printf("spr_%d:\n\tframes_%d = %d\n\tanim_%d = %d\n\ttype_%d = %d\n\tsound_%d = %d\n",i,i,gInit->[i].state,i,gInit->[i].anim,i,gInit->[i].type,i,gInit->[i].sound);
- }
- printf("DATA JOB LEMMINGS:\n");
- for(i=0;i<LEM_JOB;++i){
- printf("lem_%d:\n\tlemm_%d = %d, %d, %d\n\tpos_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].state,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].dir,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].anim,i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footX,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footY,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].footSize);
- if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask != NULL){
- printf("\tmask_%d = %d, %d, %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->stateM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->dirM,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].mask->cooldown);
- }
- if (gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask != NULL){
- printf("\timask_%d = %d , %d\n",i,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->stateI,gInit->mapI.lemmingDATA[i].imask->dirI);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
int clean_up()
//On libère la feuille de sprites
@@ -1813,18 +1449,6 @@ int stateLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
return 0;
- int test_O_UD(int UD){
- switch(UD){
- case 4 : return 1;break;
- case 6 : return 1;break;
- case 12 : return 1;break;
- case 14 : return 1;break;
- default: return 0;break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
int creationLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
int nbLem;
struct listeSimplementChainee *k=NULL;
@@ -1952,180 +1576,6 @@ int stateLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
return 0;
- int paint_terrain (struct gameInit *gInit, int choix){
- struct listeSimplementChainee *k=NULL;
- SDL_Rect offset;
- SDL_Surface *sf;
- int err=0;
- int overwrite=0;
- int remove=0;
- int paint=0;
- int tx,ty=0;
- int cpt=0;
- int ok=0;
- Uint32 color;
- // //-DEBUG-printf("LES TERRAINS : ");
- k=gInit->;
- while ( k !=NULL ) {
- offset.x = k->x;
- offset.y = k->y;
- sf = gInit->[test_O_UD(k->>modif)+k->ID*2+ADD_OBJ];
- if((k->>modif != 0)&&
- (k->>modif != 2)&&
- (k->>modif != 4)&&
- (k->>modif != 6)&&
- (k->>modif != 8)&&
- (k->>modif != 10)&&
- (k->>modif != 12)&&
- (k->>modif != 14)&&
- (k->>modif != 15)
- ) {
- //-DEBUG-printf("WTF ... k->>modif == %d\n",k->>modif);
- return(40);
- }
- for(ty=k->y;ty<sf->h+k->y;++ty){
- if(ty<0) {ty=-1;continue;}
- if(ty>=pTerrain->h){break;}
- if(ty>=LEVEL_HEIGHT) {break;}
- for(tx=k->x;tx<sf->w+k->x;++tx){
- if(tx<0) {tx=-1;continue;}
- if(tx>=pTerrain->w){break;}
- if(tx>=LEVEL_WIDTH) {break;}
-//FIXME : le bloc suivant ne dépends pas de x et y !
- overwrite = ((k->>modif & 8) == 8)? 0 : 1;
- remove = ((k->>modif & 2) == 2)? 1 : 0;
- if(k->>modif == 15){
- overwrite=0;
- remove=0;
- }
- color = get_pixel32(tx-k->x,ty-k->y,sf);
- if(color==ccc_error){return 250;}
- if (color == ccc_black)
- { //putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tEmpty );
- continue;
- }
- paint=0;
- if(!overwrite){
- //FIXME : What the hell avec deux fois ce get_pixel ?!?
- if((get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil)==ccc_error)){return 67;}
- // don't overwrite -> only paint if background is transparent
- if(((get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil)>>24) & 0xff ) == 0)
- {// ccc_tEmpty){
- paint=1;
- }
- } else if(remove){
- // if(((get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil)) & ccc_tFull) != 0){
- err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty , gInit->;
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tRemove );//ccc_tEmpty);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- // }
- } else {
- paint=1;
- }
- if(paint==1){
- if(!overwrite){
- if(!remove){
- err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty ,color);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- if(k->>modif==15){
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tHidden );//ccc_tBrick);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- } else {
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tNoOverwrite );//ccc_tBrick);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- }
- } else {
- err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty ,color);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tRemoveNoOverwrite );//ccc_tBrick);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- }
- } else {
- err=putPixel(pTerrain,tx,ty ,color);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tFull );//ccc_tBrick);
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- }
- }
- }//fin tx
- }//fin ty
- k=k->next;
- cpt++;
- ok=0;
- //test_FillRect( screen, &screen->clip_rect, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 ) ); test_blit(pTerrain, &camera, screen, NULL); if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 ) { return 1;} //scanf("%d",&pas);
- }
- // elimination des pixel remove
- for(ty=0;ty<LEVEL_HEIGHT;++ty){
- for(tx=0;tx<LEVEL_WIDTH;++tx){
- color = get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil);
- if(color==ccc_tRemove){
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_bgStencil );
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- } else {
- if(color!=ccc_bgStencil){
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_tBrick );
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // //-DEBUG-printf("LES STEEL : ");
- k=gInit->;
- while ( k !=NULL ) {
- offset.x = k->x;
- offset.y = k->y;
- sf = gInit->[ADD_OBJ+(gInit->*2)+(gInit->*2)+k->ID];
- offset.w = k->>w;
- offset.h = k->>h;
- //-DEBUG-printf("H=)> %d\n",offset.h);
- for(ty=k->y;ty<offset.h+k->y;++ty){
- if(ty<0) {ty=-1;continue;}
- if(ty>pTerrain->h){break;}
- if(ty>=LEVEL_HEIGHT) {break;}
- for(tx=k->x;tx<offset.w+k->x;++tx){
- if(tx<0) {tx=-1;continue;}
- if(tx>pTerrain->w){break;}
- if(tx>=LEVEL_WIDTH) {break;}
- color = get_pixel32(tx,ty,pStencil);
- if(color==ccc_error){return 219;}
- if (color == ccc_black){
- continue;
- } else {
- err=putPixel(pStencil,tx,ty , ccc_s );
- if(err!=0){return err;}
- }
- }
- }
- // test_FillRect(pStencil, &offset, ccc_s);
- k=k->next;
- }
- //}
- return 0;
- }
int miniMapLemming (struct gameInit *gInit){
@@ -2316,185 +1766,6 @@ int stateLemming(struct gameInit *gInit){
- int paint_manip(SDL_Surface *spr,SDL_Rect from,SDL_Surface *t,SDL_Rect to,Uint32 ccc_t, Uint32 ccc_spr, int mode, SDL_Surface *stencil){
- int size,i,j,err;
- void *temp_pixels = NULL;
- Uint32 ccc_temp=0x00000000;
- Uint32 ccc_temp2=0x00000000;
- Uint32 ccc_temp3=0x00000000;
- //FULL
- if(mode==0){
- err=test_blit(spr,&from, t,&to,0);
- return err;
- }
- //-DEBUG-printf("paint_manip(), from.x==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
- if(from.y<0 || from.y > spr->h) {
- //-DEBUG-
- printf("paint_manip(1) rectFrom_Y out, from.x==%4i, FROM.Y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
- return 0;
- }
- if(from.x<0 || from.x > spr->w) {
- //-DEBUG-
- printf("paint_manip(2) rectFrom_X out, FROM.X==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
- return 0;
- }
- if(to.y<0 || to.y > t->h) {
- //-DEBUG-
- printf("paint_manip(3) rectTO_Y out, from.x==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from to.x==%4i, TO.Y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
- return 0;
- }
- if(to.x<0 || to.x > t->w) {
- //-DEBUG-
- printf("paint_manip(4) rectTO_X out, from.x==%4i, from.y==%4i, from.h==%4i, from.w==%4i, from TO.X==%4i, to.y==%4i\n", from.x, from.y, from.h, from.w, to.x, to.y);
- return 0;
- }
- if(from.y+from.h > spr->h) {
- from.h=spr->h - from.y;
- }
- if(from.x+from.w > spr->w) {
- from.w=spr->w - from.x;
- }
- if(to.y+from.h > t->h) {
- from.h=t->h - to.y;
- }
- if(to.x + from.w > t->w) {
- from.w=t->w - to.x;
- }
- size=spr->h*spr->pitch;
- temp_pixels=malloc(size);
- SDL_LockSurface(spr);
- SDL_LockSurface(t);
- if(stencil!=NULL) SDL_LockSurface(stencil);
- memcpy(temp_pixels,spr->pixels,size);
- if(mode==4){
- for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
- for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
- /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
- //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound1 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
- return 56;
- //continue;
- }*/
- ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p t->format->colorkey\n",ccc_temp,t->format->colorkey);
- if (ccc_temp!=ccc_t) {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp;//spr->format->colorkey;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(mode==8){
- for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
- for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
- /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
- //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
- return 57;
- //continue;
- }*/
- ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p ccc_t\n",ccc_temp,ccc_t);
- if (ccc_temp==ccc_t) {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // erease pixel
- if(mode==17){
- for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
- for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
- /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
- //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
- return 57;
- //continue;
- }*/
- ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i];//((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- ccc_temp2=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- ccc_temp3=((Uint32 *)stencil->pixels)[(to.y+j)*stencil->w+(to.x+i)];
- //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p ccc_t\n",ccc_temp,ccc_t);
- if ((ccc_temp!=ccc_spr)&&((ccc_tBrick==ccc_temp3)||((ccc_temp3 & 0xff)==0xcb))) {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
- } else {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // erease pixel
- if(mode==18){
- for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
- for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
- /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
- //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
- return 57;
- //continue;
- }*/
- ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i];//((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- ccc_temp2=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- //-DEBUG-
- // printf("ccc_temp = %p != %p ccc_spr && ccc_tBrick %p == %p ccc_temp2\n",ccc_temp,ccc_spr,ccc_tBrick,ccc_temp2);
- if ((ccc_temp!=ccc_spr)&&((ccc_tBrick==ccc_temp2)||((ccc_temp2 & 0xff)==0xcb))) {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
- } else {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // objet trap
- if(mode==19){
- for(j=0;j<from.h;j++) {
- for(i=0;i<from.w;i++) {
- /* if((to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)>=(t->w*t->h)){
- //-DEBUG-printf("out of bound2 x=%d + i=%d, y=%d + j=%d * t->w %d == %d >= %d (t->h %d, from.h %d) \n",to.x,i,to.y,j,t->w,(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i),(t->w*t->h),t->h,from.h);
- return 57;
- //continue;
- }*/
- ccc_temp=((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i];//((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- ccc_temp2=((Uint32 *)t->pixels)[(to.y+j)*t->w+(to.x+i)];
- //-DEBUG-printf("ccc_temp1 = %p == %p ccc_t\n",ccc_temp,ccc_t);
- if (ccc_temp!=ccc_spr){
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_t;//spr->format->colorkey;
- } else {
- ((Uint32 *)spr->pixels)[(from.y+j)*spr->w+from.x+i]=ccc_temp2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(stencil!=NULL) SDL_UnlockSurface(stencil);
- SDL_UnlockSurface(t);
- SDL_UnlockSurface(spr);
- test_blit(spr,&from, t,&to,0);
- SDL_LockSurface(spr);
- memcpy(spr->pixels,temp_pixels,size);
- SDL_UnlockSurface(spr);
- free(temp_pixels);
- return 0;
- }
int paint_objet (struct gameInit *gInit, int cptFps){
SDL_Rect offset,objetAnim,rStencil;
SDL_Surface *sf;
diff --git a/src/graphic.c b/src/graphic.c
index a0587bc..b9990f6 100644
--- a/src/graphic.c
+++ b/src/graphic.c
@@ -6,16 +6,17 @@
#define ccc_nooverride 0x00cc0000
#define ccc_terrain 0x0000cc00
#define ccc_nothing 0x00000000
Uint32 getPixel(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y) {
+/* 24 bits retournés
Uint32 res=0;
//FIXME : Big Endian
res |= ((Uint8 *)s->pixels)[y*s->pitch + x*s->format->BytesPerPixel+0] << 0;
res |= ((Uint8 *)s->pixels)[y*s->pitch + x*s->format->BytesPerPixel+1] << 8;
res |= ((Uint8 *)s->pixels)[y*s->pitch + x*s->format->BytesPerPixel+2] << 16;
return res;
+ return ((Uint32 *)s->pixels)[y*s->w + x];
Uint32 getPixel8BitPalette(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y) {
@@ -41,11 +42,7 @@ int isTransparent(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y) {
void putPixel(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y, Uint32 p) {
- //printf("putPixel(s, %i, %i, 0x%x)\n", x, y, p);
- //FIXME : Big Endian
- ((Uint8 *)s->pixels)[y*s->pitch + x*s->format->BytesPerPixel+0] = (p & 0x000000ff) >> 0;
- ((Uint8 *)s->pixels)[y*s->pitch + x*s->format->BytesPerPixel+1] = (p & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
- ((Uint8 *)s->pixels)[y*s->pitch + x*s->format->BytesPerPixel+2] = (p & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ ((Uint32 *)s->pixels)[y*s->w + x]=p;
SDL_Surface * createSurface(int width, int height) {
@@ -65,7 +62,7 @@ SDL_Surface * createSurface(int width, int height) {
amask = 0x00000000;
- return SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_HWACCEL|/*SDL_ASYNCBLIT|*/SDL_RLEACCEL, width, height, 24, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
+ return SDL_CreateRGBSurface(MY_SDLSURFACE_OPTS, width, height, SCREEN_BPP, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
diff --git a/src/include/data_localgame.h b/src/include/data_localgame.h
index b740b27..9153d6e 100644
--- a/src/include/data_localgame.h
+++ b/src/include/data_localgame.h
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "data_types.h"
-#define SCREEN_BPP 24
typedef struct {
SDL_Rect screen;
diff --git a/src/include/graphic.h b/src/include/graphic.h
index 2e40301..32046aa 100644
--- a/src/include/graphic.h
+++ b/src/include/graphic.h
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
#include "data_ress.h"
#include "data_localgame.h"
+#define SCREEN_BPP 32
Uint32 getPixel(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y);
Uint32 getPixel8BitPalette(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y);
int isTransparent(SDL_Surface *s, int x, int y);
diff --git a/src/netlem.c b/src/netlem.c
index 00afcb9..8e43d13 100644
--- a/src/netlem.c
+++ b/src/netlem.c
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int drift_ms=0, endMainLoop, result;
tick_t tick=0, lastServerTick=0;
- Uint32 timeBefore_ms[10], waited[10], t;
+ Uint32 timeBefore_ms[10], beforeWait[10], wantWait[10], waited[10], t;
Uint8 loadProgress=0;
- double fps, waitPercent;
+ double fps, waitedMean, wantWaitMean;
client_t client;
serverParams_t serverParams;
@@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
memset(timeBefore_ms, 0, 10*sizeof(Uint32));
+ memset(beforeWait, 0, 10*sizeof(Uint32));
+ memset(wantWait, 0, 10*sizeof(Uint32));
+ memset(waited, 0, 10*sizeof(Uint32));
// Main game loop
@@ -167,17 +170,25 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Delay that we have to wait for the next frame (depends on execution time and network time drift)
- waited[t]=waitForNextTick(timeBefore_ms[t], drift_ms);
+ beforeWait[t]=SDL_GetTicks();
+ wantWait[t]=waitForNextTick(timeBefore_ms[t], drift_ms);
+ waited[t]=SDL_GetTicks();
+ waited[t] -= beforeWait[t];
// Compute & display FPS mean value on 10 loops
if (t==0) {
- waitPercent=0;
- for(;t<10;t++) waitPercent+=waited[t];
+ wantWaitMean=0;
+ waitedMean=0;
+ for(;t<10;t++) {
+ wantWaitMean+=wantWait[t];
+ waitedMean+=waited[t];
+ }
- waitPercent=(double)waitPercent*10/TICK_DURATION_MS;
+ wantWaitMean/=10.0;
+ waitedMean/=10.0;
- snprintf(logMsg, 128, "tick:%d\tlastServerTick:%d\tdrift_ms:%d\t\t%.1f FPS\t W:%.1f%%\n", tick, lastServerTick, drift_ms, fps, waitPercent);
+// snprintf(logMsg, 128, "tick:%d\tlastServerTick:%d\tdrift_ms:%d\t\t%.1f FPS\t WW:%.1f\tW:%.1f\n", tick, lastServerTick, drift_ms, fps, wantWaitMean, waitedMean);
+ snprintf(logMsg, 128, "tick:%d\tlastServerTick:%d\tdrift_ms:%d\t\t%.1f FPS\t WW:%d\tW:%d\n", tick, lastServerTick, drift_ms, fps, wantWait[3], waited[3]);
logs(LOG_DEBUG, logMsg);
@@ -223,7 +234,7 @@ int init(gameConfig_t *conf, gameGraphics_t *gGraph) {
// Screen setup
- gGraph->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(conf->screen.w, conf->screen.h, SCREEN_BPP, SDL_HWSURFACE);
+ gGraph->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(conf->screen.w, conf->screen.h, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_ASYNCBLIT);
if( gGraph->screen == NULL ) {
logs2(LOG_ERROR, "init(), SDL_SetVideoMode()", SDL_GetError());
return 2;
@@ -236,15 +247,15 @@ int init(gameConfig_t *conf, gameGraphics_t *gGraph) {
// Memory allocation and initialization for all display layers
- gGraph->terrain = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE, LEVEL_WIDTH, LEVEL_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP,0,0,0,0);
+ gGraph->terrain = createSurface(LEVEL_WIDTH, LEVEL_HEIGHT);
if( gGraph->terrain == NULL ) {
- logs2(LOG_ERROR, "init(), SDL_CreateRGBSurface()", SDL_GetError());
+ logs2(LOG_ERROR, "init(), SDL_createSurface()", SDL_GetError());
return 3;
- gGraph->stencil = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, LEVEL_WIDTH, LEVEL_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP,0,0,0,0);
+ gGraph->stencil = createSurface(LEVEL_WIDTH, LEVEL_HEIGHT);
if( gGraph->stencil == NULL ) {
- logs2(LOG_ERROR, "init(), SDL_CreateRGBSurface()", SDL_GetError());
+ logs2(LOG_ERROR, "init(), SDL_createSurface()", SDL_GetError());
return 3;
@@ -515,6 +526,7 @@ void processLocalEvents(SDL_Rect *viewport, SDL_Rect *screen, SDL_Rect *terrain)
int updateGraphics(gameGraphics_t *gGraph) {
int i, res;
static SDL_Rect lastViewport= {-1,-1,-1,-1};
+ SDL_Rect srcRect/*, dstRect*/;
//TODO : modifier les calques
switch(getState()) {
@@ -529,18 +541,20 @@ int updateGraphics(gameGraphics_t *gGraph) {
if ( gGraph->dirtRectsCount > 0 ) {
+ // Put only one dirt rectagle, of the size of the screen
- gGraph->dirtRects[0].x=0;
- gGraph->dirtRects[0].y=0;
- gGraph->dirtRects[0].w=0;
- gGraph->dirtRects[0].h=0;
+ memcpy(gGraph->dirtRects, &(gGraph->screen->clip_rect), sizeof(SDL_Rect));
// We use a dirt rectangle method for performance
for(i=0; i<gGraph->dirtRectsCount; i++) {
//FIXME : faire une vrai procedure qui va chercher les objets sur une zone donnée, qui paint tout dans l'ordre
- res=SDL_BlitSurface(gGraph->terrain, &lastViewport, gGraph->screen, NULL);
+ srcRect.x=gGraph->dirtRects[i].x+lastViewport.x;
+ srcRect.y=gGraph->dirtRects[i].y+lastViewport.y;
+ srcRect.w=gGraph->dirtRects[i].w;
+ srcRect.h=gGraph->dirtRects[i].h;
+ res=SDL_BlitSurface(gGraph->terrain, &srcRect, gGraph->screen, gGraph->dirtRects+i);
if ( res!=0 ) {
logs2(LOG_DEBUG, "updateGraphics(), SDL_BlitSurface()", SDL_GetError());
return res;
diff --git a/src/parser/parse_ini.yy b/src/parser/parse_ini.yy
index 4fb00d8..0927011 100644
--- a/src/parser/parse_ini.yy
+++ b/src/parser/parse_ini.yy
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ int yylex();
void yyerror(gameIni_t *gIni, char *s);
void yyassert(int condition, char what[], char why[]);
void callocIfNull(void **ptr, size_t nmemb, size_t size);
+uint32_t convrgb(uint32_t in);
@@ -48,8 +49,8 @@ ini: /*epsilon*/
| EOL ini
/* styles/...ini */
-decl: BGCOLOR AFF INTHEX { gIni->style.bgColor = $3; }
-| DEBRISCOLOR AFF INTHEX { gIni->style.debrisColor = $3; }
+decl: BGCOLOR AFF INTHEX { gIni->style.bgColor = convrgb($3); }
+| DEBRISCOLOR AFF INTHEX { gIni->style.debrisColor = convrgb($3); }
gIni->style.particleColor = $3;
@@ -219,6 +220,7 @@ decl: BGCOLOR AFF INTHEX { gIni->style.bgColor = $3; }
+// TODO : use of convrgb
$$[0]=$1; $$[1]=$3; $$[2]=$5; $$[3]=$7; $$[4]=$9; $$[5]=$11; $$[6]=$13; $$[7]=$15 ;$$[8]=$17; $$[9]=$19; $$[10]=$21; $$[11]=$23; $$[12]=$25; $$[13]=$27; $$[14]=$29; $$[15]=$31;
@@ -260,3 +262,10 @@ void callocIfNull(void **ptr, size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
+uint32_t convrgb(uint32_t in) {
+ uint32_t res=0;
+ res |= (in & 0x000000ff) << 16;
+ res |= (in & 0x0000ff00);
+ res |= (in & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ return res;