path: root/draft/other-tools/fog/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'draft/other-tools/fog/')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/draft/other-tools/fog/ b/draft/other-tools/fog/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7190ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/draft/other-tools/fog/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+. /usr/share/fog/lib/
+. /bin/fog.donate
+. /bin/fog.checkin
+. /bin/fog.mount
+. /bin/fog.checkmount
+. /bin/fog.checkimgvar
+mac=$(getMACAddresses | base64)
+. /bin/fog.inventory "true"
+fog.statusreporter "$mac" "$web" & disown
+echo " * Using Image: $img"
+preparePartitions() {
+ echo " * Preparing Partition layout"
+ case $imgType in
+ [Nn])
+ case $osid in
+ 4|50|51)
+ [[ ! -d $imagePath ]] && handleError "Unable to locate image store ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ prepareResizeDownloadPartitions "$hd" 1 "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ ;;
+ [1-2])
+ [[ ! -f $imagePath && ! -f $imagePath/$img && ! -d $imagePath ]] && handleError "Unable to locate image store ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ [[ -d $imagePath && -f $imagePath/$img ]] && imagePath="$imagePath/$img"
+ if [[ -d $imagePath ]]; then
+ prepareResizeDownloadPartitions "$hd" 1 "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ else
+ startsector="63s"
+ restorePartitionTablesAndBootLoaders "$hd" 1 "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ dots "Removing partition"
+ parted -s $hd rm 1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not remove old partition ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ echo " * Attempting to expand/fill partitions"
+ dots "Recreating partition"
+ parted -s $hd mkpart primary ntfs 63s -- $layPartSize >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Could not create partition to fill disk ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Setting boot partition"
+ parted -s $hd set 1 boot on >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not make partition bootable ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ runPartprobe "$hd"
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ getPartitions "$hd"
+ for part in $parts; do
+ [[ -e $part ]] && break
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ [5-7]|9)
+ [[ ! -d $imagePath && ! -f $imagePath/sys.img.000 ]] && handleError "Unable to locate image store ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ if [[ ! -f $imagePath/sys.img.000 ]]; then
+ prepareResizeDownloadPartitions "$hd" 1 "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ else
+ echo " * Using legacy style partition setup"
+ win7partcnt=1
+ dots "Windows Boot Partition Exists"
+ if [[ ! -f $imagePath/gpt.bak && ! -f $imagePath/rec1.img.000 && ! -f $imagePath/rec.img.000 ]]; then
+ echo "No"
+ else
+ echo "Yes"
+ [[ -f $imagePath/rec.img.000 ]] && win7partcnt=2
+ [[ -f $imagePath/rec.img.001 || -f $imagePath/gpt.bak ]] && win7partcnt=3
+ fi
+ debugPause
+ echo " * Attempting to expand/fill partitions"
+ do_fill=0
+ fillDiskWithPartitionsIsOK "$hd" "$imagePath" 1
+ case $do_fill in
+ 1)
+ fillDiskWithPartitions "$hd" "$imagePath" 1
+ echo "Done"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ startsector="2048s"
+ restorePartitionTablesAndBootLoaders "$hd" 1 "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ case $win7partcnt in
+ 1)
+ dots "Removing partition"
+ parted -s $hd rm 1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not remove old partition ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Creating main partition"
+ parted -s $hd mkpart primary ntfs $startsector -- $layPartSize >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not recreate first partition ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Setting boot partition"
+ parted -s $hd set 1 boot on >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not make partition bootable ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ dots "Removing main partition"
+ parted -s $hd rm 1 >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not remove old main partition ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Recreating recovery partition"
+ parted -s $hd mkpart primary ntfs $startsector 206847s >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not create recovery partition ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Recreating main partition"
+ parted -s $hd mkpart primary ntfs $defaultpart2start -- $layPartSize >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not recreate main partition ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Setting boot partition"
+ parted -s $hd set 1 boot on >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not make partition bootable ($0)\nArgsPassed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ dots "Removing partition data"
+ sgdisk -Z $hd >/dev/null 2>&1
+ sgdisk -gel $imagePath/gpt.bak $hd >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not recreate partitions ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ dots "Recreating sized out partitions"
+ sgdisk -x 3:$(sgdisk -E $hd) $hd >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [[ ! $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Failed"
+ debugPause
+ handleError "Fatal Error: Could not resize partitions ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Done"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ debugPause
+ runPartprobe "$hd"
+ dots "Setting up partition variables"
+ getPartitions "$hd"
+ restoreparts=""
+ part_number=0
+ for part in $parts; do
+ getPartitionNumber "$part"
+ [[ $part_number -le $win7partcnt ]] && restoreparts="$restoreparts $part"
+ done
+ echo "Done"
+ debugPause
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ mps)
+ [[ ! -d $imagePath ]] && handleError "Unable to locate image store ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ restorePartitionTablesAndBootLoaders "$hd" 1 "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ runPartprobe "$hd"
+ gptcheck="$global_gptcheck"
+ ;;
+ mpa)
+ [[ ! -d $imagePath ]] && handleError "Unable to locate image store ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ getHardDisk "true"
+ disk_number=1
+ for disk in $disks; do
+ restorePartitionTablesAndBootLoaders "$disk" "$disk_number" "$imagePath" "$osid" "$imgPartitionType"
+ runPartprobe "$disk"
+ gptcheck="$global_gptcheck"
+ let disk_number+=1
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+putDataBack() {
+ runPartprobe "$hd"
+ getPartitions "$hd"
+ [[ -z $parts ]] && echo -e " * Seems like you are trying to restore to an empty disk. Be aware this will most probably cause trouble.\n"
+ echo " +--------------------------------+"
+ echo " | Attempting to deploy image |"
+ echo " +--------------------------------+"
+ [[ $imgFormat -eq 1 || $imgLegacy -eq 1 ]] && echo " | Using Partimage |" || echo " | Using Partclone |"
+ echo " +--------------------------------+"
+ [[ $mc == yes ]] && usleep 10000000 || usleep 3000000
+ case $imgType in
+ dd)
+ restorePartition "$hd" 1 "$imagePath/$img.*" "$mc"
+ ;;
+ n|mps|mpa)
+ [[ $imgType == +(n|mps) ]] && disks="$hd"
+ case $osid in
+ [1-2])
+ [[ ! -f $imagePath && ! -d $imagePath ]] && handleError "Fatal Error: Could not locate file ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ ;;
+ [5-7]|9)
+ [[ ! -d $imagePath && ! -f $imagePath/sys.img.000 ]] && handleError "Fatal Error: Could not locate file ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ ;;
+ 4|50|51)
+ [[ ! -d $imagePath ]] && handleError "Fatal Error: could not locate file ($0)\n Args Passed: $*"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ performRestore "$disks" "$imagePath" "$imgPartitionType" "$mc"
+ ;;
+ esac
+[[ $nombr -eq 1 ]] && echo " * Skipping partition layout (Single Partition restore)" || preparePartitions
+[[ $imgPartitionType != mbr ]] && putDataBack || echo " * Skipping partition restore (MBR Only)"