path: root/jeu-test/Lemmini/0.84/src/micromod/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jeu-test/Lemmini/0.84/src/micromod/')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jeu-test/Lemmini/0.84/src/micromod/ b/jeu-test/Lemmini/0.84/src/micromod/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e52d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jeu-test/Lemmini/0.84/src/micromod/
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+package micromod;
+ * micromod/e fast module player (rev b)
+ */
+public class Micromod {
+ private final int
+ FP_SHIFT = 13,
+ FP_ONE = 1 << FP_SHIFT,
+ IN_STRUCT_LEN = 0x05,
+ IN_LOOP_START = 0x01,
+ IN_LOOP_END = 0x02,
+ IN_VOLUME = 0x03,
+ IN_FINETUNE = 0x04,
+ CH_STRUCT_LEN = 0x16,
+ CH_SPOS = 0x00,
+ CH_STEP = 0x01,
+ CH_AMPL = 0x02,
+ CH_ASSIGNED = 0x04,
+ CH_VOLUME = 0x05,
+ CH_FINETUNE = 0x06,
+ CH_PERIOD = 0x07,
+ CH_PORTA_PARAM = 0x09,
+ CH_PANNING = 0x0A,
+ CH_TREM_PARAM = 0x10,
+ CH_PAT_LOOP_ROW = 0x11,
+ CH_NOTE_PERIOD = 0x12,
+ CH_NOTE_INSTRU = 0x13,
+ CH_NOTE_EFFECT = 0x14,
+ CH_NOTE_EPARAM = 0x15,
+ FX_ARPEGGIO = 0x00,
+ FX_PORTA_UP = 0x01,
+ FX_PORTA_DOWN = 0x02,
+ FX_TONE_PORTA = 0x03,
+ FX_VIBRATO = 0x04,
+ FX_TPORTA_VOL = 0x05,
+ FX_VIBRATO_VOL = 0x06,
+ FX_TREMOLO = 0x07,
+ FX_SET_PANNING = 0x08,
+ FX_SET_SPOS = 0x09,
+ FX_PAT_JUMP = 0x0B,
+ FX_PAT_BREAK = 0x0D,
+ FX_SET_SPEED = 0x0F,
+ EX_FINE_PORT_UP = 0x10,
+ EX_FINE_PORT_DN = 0x20,
+ EX_SET_GLISS = 0x30,
+ EX_SET_VIBR_WAV = 0x40,
+ EX_PAT_LOOP = 0x60,
+ EX_SET_TREM_WAV = 0x70,
+ EX_SET_PANNING = 0x80,
+ EX_RETRIG = 0x90,
+ EX_FINE_VOL_UP = 0xA0,
+ EX_FINE_VOL_DN = 0xB0,
+ EX_NOTE_CUT = 0xC0,
+ EX_PAT_DELAY = 0xE0,
+ private final int[] arptable = new int[] {
+ 8192, 8679, 9195, 9742, 10321, 10935, 11585, 12274,
+ 13004, 13777, 14596, 15464, 16384, 17358, 18390, 19484
+ };
+ private final int[] fttable = new int[] {
+ 15464, 15576, 15689, 15803, 15918, 16033, 16149, 16266,
+ 16384, 16503, 16622, 16743, 16864, 16986, 17109, 17233
+ };
+ private final int[] sintable = new int[] {
+ 0, 24 , 49, 74, 97, 120, 141, 161, 180, 197, 212, 224, 235, 244, 250, 253,
+ 255, 253, 250, 244, 235, 224, 212, 197, 180, 161, 141, 120, 97, 74, 49, 24
+ };
+ private byte[] mod;
+ private boolean amiga;
+ private int numchan, songlen, restart;
+ private int pat, npat, row, nrow, tick, tempo, bpm;
+ private int fcount, loopcount, loopchan;
+ private int[] instruments = new int[ IN_STRUCT_LEN * 32 ];
+ private int[] channels = new int[ CH_STRUCT_LEN * 32 ];
+ private int samplerate, tickremain;
+ /* constructor ( mod - module data ) */
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ * @param mod byte buffer containing MOD data
+ * @param samplerate sample rate in Hertz
+ */
+ public Micromod( final byte[] mod, final int samplerate ) {
+ this.mod = mod;
+ this.samplerate = samplerate;
+ //System.out.println( "micromod/e (c)2005" );
+ songlen = mod[ 950 ] & 0x7F;
+ restart = mod[ 951 ] & 0x7F;
+ if( restart >= songlen ) restart = 0;
+ int numpatterns = 0;
+ for( int n = 0; n < 128; n++ ) {
+ int pat = mod[ 952 + n ] & 0x7F;
+ if( pat >= numpatterns ) numpatterns = pat + 1;
+ }
+ switch( ( mod[ 1082 ] << 8 ) | mod[ 1083 ] ) {
+ case 0x4b2e: // M.K.
+ case 0x4b21: // M!K!
+ case 0x5434: // FLT4
+ numchan = 4;
+ amiga = true;
+ break;
+ case 0x484e: // xCHN
+ numchan = mod[ 1080 ] - 48;
+ amiga = false;
+ break;
+ case 0x4348: // xxCH
+ numchan = ( ( mod[ 1080 ] - 48 ) * 10 ) + ( mod[ 1081 ] - 48 );
+ amiga = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "MOD Format not recognised!" );
+ }
+ int sampleidx = 1084 + 4 * numchan * 64 * numpatterns;
+ for( int inst = 0; inst < 31; inst++ ) {
+ int slen = ushortbe( mod, inst * 30 + 42 ) << 1;
+ int fine = mod[ inst * 30 + 44 ] & 0xF;
+ if( fine > 7 ) fine -= 16;
+ int vol = mod[ inst * 30 + 45 ] & 0x7F;
+ if( vol > 64 ) vol = 64;
+ int lsta = ushortbe( mod, inst * 30 + 46 ) << 1;
+ int llen = ushortbe( mod, inst * 30 + 48 ) << 1;
+ if( sampleidx + slen - 1 >= mod.length ) {
+ System.out.println( "Module is truncated!" );
+ slen = mod.length - sampleidx;
+ if( slen < 0 ) slen = 0;
+ }
+ if( llen < 4 || lsta >= slen ) {
+ lsta = slen - 1;
+ llen = 1;
+ }
+ int lend = lsta + llen - 1;
+ if( lend >= slen ) lend = slen - 1;
+ int ioffset = ( inst + 1 ) * IN_STRUCT_LEN;
+ instruments[ ioffset + IN_SAMPLE_INDEX ] = sampleidx;
+ instruments[ ioffset + IN_LOOP_START ] = lsta;
+ instruments[ ioffset + IN_LOOP_END ] = lend;
+ instruments[ ioffset + IN_FINETUNE ] = fine;
+ instruments[ ioffset + IN_VOLUME ] = vol;
+ sampleidx += slen;
+ }
+ reset();
+ }
+ /**
+ * return the song length in samples
+ * @return song length in samples
+ */
+ public int getlen() {
+ reset();
+ int len = getticklen();
+ while( !tick() ) len += getticklen();
+ reset();
+ return len;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mix 16 bit stereo audio into the buffers.
+ * @param l left
+ * @param r right
+ * @param ofs offset
+ * @param length length
+ */
+ public void mix( final int[] l, final int[] r, final int ofs, final int length ) {
+ int len = length;
+ int offset = ofs;
+ while( len > 0 ) {
+ int count = tickremain;
+ if( count > len ) count = len;
+ for( int chan = 0; chan < numchan ; chan++ ) {
+ int coffset = chan * CH_STRUCT_LEN;
+ int ampl = channels[ coffset + CH_AMPL ];
+ int pann = channels[ coffset + CH_PANNING ] << FP_SHIFT - 8;
+ int lamp = ampl * ( FP_ONE - pann ) >> FP_SHIFT;
+ int ramp = ampl * pann >> FP_SHIFT;
+ int inst = channels[ coffset + CH_INSTRUMENT ];
+ int ioffset = inst * IN_STRUCT_LEN;
+ int sidx = instruments[ ioffset + IN_SAMPLE_INDEX ];
+ int lsta = instruments[ ioffset + IN_LOOP_START ] << FP_SHIFT;
+ int lep1 = instruments[ ioffset + IN_LOOP_END ] + 1 << FP_SHIFT;
+ int spos = channels[ coffset + CH_SPOS ];
+ int step = channels[ coffset + CH_STEP ];
+ int llen = lep1 - lsta;
+ boolean dontmix = llen <= FP_ONE && spos >= lsta;
+ if( !dontmix ) for( int x = 0; x < count; x++ ) {
+ while( spos >= lep1 ) spos -= llen;
+ int sample = mod[ sidx + ( spos >> FP_SHIFT ) ] << 8;
+ l[ offset + x ] += sample * lamp >> FP_SHIFT;
+ r[ offset + x ] += sample * ramp >> FP_SHIFT;
+ spos += step;
+ }
+ channels[ coffset + CH_SPOS ] = spos;
+ }
+ tickremain -= count;
+ if( tickremain == 0 ) {
+ tick();
+ tickremain = getticklen();
+ }
+ offset += count;
+ len -= count;
+ }
+ }
+ private void reset() {
+ pat = npat = 0;
+ row = nrow = 0;
+ tick = tempo = 6;
+ bpm = 125;
+ loopcount = loopchan = 0;
+ for( int n = 0; n < channels.length; n++ ) channels[ n ] = 0;
+ for( int chan = 0; chan < numchan; chan++ ) {
+ int p = 128;
+ switch( chan & 0x3 ) {
+ case 0: p = 64; break;
+ case 1: p = 192; break;
+ case 2: p = 192; break;
+ case 3: p = 64; break;
+ }
+ channels[ chan * CH_STRUCT_LEN + CH_PANNING ] = p;
+ }
+ row();
+ tickremain = getticklen();
+ }
+ private boolean tick() {
+ tick--;
+ if( tick <= 0 ) {
+ tick = tempo;
+ return row();
+ }
+ // Update channel fx
+ for( int chan = 0; chan < numchan; chan++ ) {
+ int coffset = chan * CH_STRUCT_LEN;
+ int effect = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EFFECT ];
+ int eparam = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EPARAM ];
+ switch( effect ) {
+ switch( fcount % 3 ) {
+ case 0: channels[ coffset + CH_ARPEGGIO ] = 0; break;
+ case 1: channels[ coffset + CH_ARPEGGIO ] = ( eparam & 0xF0 ) >> 4; break;
+ case 2: channels[ coffset + CH_ARPEGGIO ] = eparam & 0x0F; break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FX_PORTA_UP:
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] -= eparam;
+ break;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] += eparam;
+ break;
+ toneporta( coffset );
+ break;
+ case FX_VIBRATO:
+ vibrato( coffset );
+ break;
+ volslide( coffset, eparam );
+ toneporta( coffset );
+ break;
+ volslide( coffset, eparam );
+ vibrato( coffset );
+ break;
+ case FX_TREMOLO:
+ tremolo( coffset );
+ break;
+ volslide( coffset, eparam );
+ break;
+ switch( eparam & 0xF0 ) {
+ case EX_RETRIG:
+ int rtparam = eparam & 0x0F;
+ if( rtparam == 0 ) rtparam = 1;
+ if( fcount % rtparam == 0 ) channels[ coffset + CH_SPOS ] = 0;
+ break;
+ case EX_NOTE_CUT:
+ if( ( eparam & 0x0F ) == fcount ) channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = 0;
+ break;
+ if( ( eparam & 0x0F ) == fcount ) trigger( coffset );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_COUNT ]++;
+ }
+ mixupdate();
+ fcount++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ private boolean row() {
+ // Decide whether to restart.
+ boolean songend = false;
+ if( npat < pat ) songend = true;
+ if( npat == pat && nrow <= row && loopcount <= 0 ) songend = true;
+ // Jump to next row
+ pat = npat;
+ row = nrow;
+ // Decide next row.
+ nrow = row + 1;
+ if( nrow == 64 ) {
+ npat = pat + 1;
+ nrow = 0;
+ }
+ // Load channels and process fx
+ fcount = 0;
+ int poffset = mod[ 952 + pat ] & 0x7F;
+ int roffset = 1084 + ( poffset * 64 * numchan * 4 ) + ( row * numchan * 4 );
+ for( int chan = 0; chan < numchan; chan++ ) {
+ int coffset = chan * CH_STRUCT_LEN;
+ int noffset = roffset + ( chan * 4 );
+ channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_PERIOD ] = ( mod[ noffset + 1 ] & 0xFF ) | ( ( mod[ noffset ] & 0x0F ) << 8 );
+ channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_INSTRU ] = ( ( mod[ noffset + 2 ] & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) | ( mod[ noffset ] & 0x10 );
+ channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EFFECT ] = mod[ noffset + 2 ] & 0x0F;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EPARAM ] = mod[ noffset + 3 ] & 0xFF;
+ int effect = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EFFECT ];
+ int eparam = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EPARAM ];
+ if( !( effect == FX_EXTENDED && ( ( eparam & 0xF0 ) == EX_NOTE_DELAY ) ) ) trigger( coffset );
+ channels[ coffset + CH_ARPEGGIO ] = 0;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_PERIOD ] = 0;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_TREM_VOLUME ] = 0;
+ switch( effect ) {
+ break;
+ case FX_PORTA_UP:
+ break;
+ break;
+ if( eparam != 0 ) channels[ coffset + CH_PORTA_PARAM ] = eparam;
+ break;
+ case FX_VIBRATO:
+ if( eparam != 0 ) channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_PARAM ] = eparam;
+ vibrato( coffset );
+ break;
+ break;
+ vibrato( coffset );
+ break;
+ case FX_TREMOLO:
+ if( eparam != 0 ) channels[ coffset + CH_TREM_PARAM ] = eparam;
+ tremolo( coffset );
+ break;
+ if( !amiga ) channels[ coffset + CH_PANNING ] = eparam;
+ break;
+ case FX_SET_SPOS:
+ channels[ coffset + CH_SPOS ] = eparam << FP_SHIFT + 8;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case FX_PAT_JUMP:
+ if( loopcount <= 0 ) {
+ npat = eparam;
+ nrow = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = ( eparam > 64 ) ? 64 : eparam;
+ break;
+ case FX_PAT_BREAK:
+ if( loopcount <= 0 ) {
+ npat = pat + 1;
+ nrow = ( ( eparam & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) * 10 + ( eparam & 0x0F );
+ }
+ break;
+ switch( eparam & 0xF0 ) {
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] -= ( eparam & 0x0F );
+ break;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] += ( eparam & 0x0F );
+ break;
+ case EX_SET_GLISS:
+ break;
+ break;
+ int ftval = eparam & 0x0F;
+ if( ftval > 7 ) ftval -= 16;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_FINETUNE ] = ftval;
+ break;
+ case EX_PAT_LOOP:
+ int plparam = eparam & 0x0F;
+ if( plparam == 0 ) channels[ coffset + CH_PAT_LOOP_ROW ] = row;
+ if( plparam > 0 && channels[ coffset + CH_PAT_LOOP_ROW ] < row ) {
+ if( loopcount <= 0 ) {
+ loopcount = plparam;
+ loopchan = chan;
+ nrow = channels[ coffset + CH_PAT_LOOP_ROW ];
+ npat = pat;
+ } else if( loopchan == chan ) {
+ if( loopcount == 1 ) {
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PAT_LOOP_ROW ] = row + 1;
+ } else {
+ nrow = channels[ coffset + CH_PAT_LOOP_ROW ];
+ npat = pat;
+ }
+ loopcount--;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case EX_RETRIG:
+ break;
+ case EX_FINE_VOL_UP:
+ int fvolup = channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] + ( eparam & 0x0F );
+ if( fvolup > 64 ) fvolup = 64;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = fvolup;
+ break;
+ case EX_FINE_VOL_DN:
+ int fvoldn = channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] - ( eparam & 0x0F );
+ if( fvoldn > 64 ) fvoldn = 0;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = fvoldn;
+ break;
+ case EX_NOTE_CUT:
+ if( ( eparam & 0x0F ) == fcount ) channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = 0;
+ break;
+ if( ( eparam & 0x0F ) == fcount ) trigger( coffset );
+ break;
+ case EX_PAT_DELAY:
+ tick = tempo + tempo * ( eparam & 0x0F );
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FX_SET_SPEED:
+ if( eparam < 32 ) tick = tempo = eparam;
+ else bpm = eparam;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mixupdate();
+ fcount++;
+ if( npat >= songlen ) npat = restart;
+ if( nrow >= 64 ) nrow = 0;
+ return songend;
+ }
+ private void trigger( final int coffset ) {
+ int period = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_PERIOD ];
+ int instru = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_INSTRU ];
+ int effect = channels[ coffset + CH_NOTE_EFFECT ];
+ if( instru != 0 ) {
+ channels[ coffset + CH_ASSIGNED ] = instru;
+ int ioffset = instru * IN_STRUCT_LEN;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = instruments[ ioffset + IN_VOLUME ];
+ channels[ coffset + CH_FINETUNE ] = instruments[ ioffset + IN_FINETUNE ];
+ if( amiga ) {
+ int atlsta = instruments[ ioffset + IN_LOOP_START ];
+ int atlend = instruments[ ioffset + IN_LOOP_END ];
+ if( atlend > atlsta ) channels[ coffset + CH_INSTRUMENT ] = instru;
+ }
+ }
+ if( period != 0 ) {
+ channels[ coffset + CH_INSTRUMENT ] = channels[ coffset + CH_ASSIGNED ];
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PORTA_PERIOD ] = period;
+ if( effect != FX_TONE_PORTA && effect != FX_TPORTA_VOL ) {
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] = period;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_SPOS ] = 0;
+ }
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_COUNT ] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private void volslide( final int coffset, final int eparam ) {
+ int vol = channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ];
+ vol += ( eparam & 0xF0 ) >> 4;
+ vol -= eparam & 0x0F;
+ if( vol > 64 ) vol = 64;
+ if( vol < 0 ) vol = 0;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] = vol;
+ }
+ private void toneporta( final int coffset ) {
+ int sp = channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ];
+ int dp = channels[ coffset + CH_PORTA_PERIOD ];
+ if( sp < dp ) {
+ sp += channels[ coffset + CH_PORTA_PARAM ];
+ if( sp > dp ) sp = dp;
+ }
+ if( sp > dp ) {
+ sp -= channels[ coffset + CH_PORTA_PARAM ];
+ if( sp < dp ) sp = dp;
+ }
+ channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] = sp;
+ }
+ private void vibrato( final int coffset ) {
+ int vparam = channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_PARAM ];
+ int vspeed = ( vparam & 0xF0 ) >> 4;
+ int vdepth = vparam & 0x0F;
+ int vibpos = vspeed * channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_COUNT ];
+ int tval = sintable[ vibpos & 0x1F ];
+ if( ( vibpos & 0x20 ) > 0 ) tval = -tval;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_PERIOD ] = tval * vdepth >> 7;
+ }
+ private void tremolo( final int coffset ) {
+ int tparam = channels[ coffset + CH_TREM_PARAM ];
+ int tspeed = ( tparam & 0xF0 ) >> 4;
+ int tdepth = tparam & 0x0F;
+ int trempos = tspeed * channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_COUNT ];
+ int tval = sintable[ trempos & 0x1F ];
+ if( ( trempos & 0x20 ) > 0 ) tval = -tval;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_TREM_VOLUME ] = tval * tdepth >> 7;
+ }
+ private void mixupdate() {
+ for( int chan = 0; chan < numchan; chan++ ) {
+ int coffset = chan * CH_STRUCT_LEN;
+ int a = channels[ coffset + CH_VOLUME ] + channels[ coffset + CH_TREM_VOLUME ];
+ if( a < 0 ) a = 0;
+ if( a > 64 ) a = 64;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_AMPL ] = a << FP_SHIFT - 8;
+ int p = channels[ coffset + CH_PERIOD ] + channels[ coffset + CH_VIBR_PERIOD ];
+ if( p < 27 ) p = 27;
+ int clk = amiga ? 3546894 : 3579364;
+ int s = ( clk / p << FP_SHIFT ) / samplerate;
+ s = s * fttable[ channels[ coffset + CH_FINETUNE ] + 8 ] >> 14;
+ s = s * arptable[ channels[ coffset + CH_ARPEGGIO ] ] >> 13;
+ channels[ coffset + CH_STEP ] = s;
+ }
+ }
+ private int getticklen() {
+ return ( ( samplerate << 1 ) + ( samplerate >> 1 ) ) / bpm;
+ }
+ private int ushortbe( final byte[] buf, final int offset ) {
+ return ( ( buf[ offset ] & 0xFF ) << 8 ) | ( buf[ offset + 1 ] & 0xFF );
+ }