diff options
authorLudovic Pouzenc <>2018-06-30 11:29:21 +0200
committerLudovic Pouzenc <>2018-06-30 11:29:21 +0200
commit4f0df31cc153855d099e4c06228a6cf1bf51eeca (patch)
parent19cdd5e2fde57d53f05570cd50f5ffd223182566 (diff)
Version beta_old1 (sans la doc) 2007-02-22+15:00 - 2007-03-11+16:41:00
-rw-r--r--beta_old1/install/RAZbase.php (renamed from beta_old1/app/install/RAZbase.php)0
-rw-r--r--beta_old1/install/base.sql (renamed from beta_old1/app/install/base.sql)0
33 files changed, 493 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/beta_old1/README.lyx~ b/beta_old1/README.lyx~
deleted file mode 100644
index a6acb17..0000000
--- a/beta_old1/README.lyx~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#LyX 1.4.3 created this file. For more info see
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diff --git a/beta_old1/TODO_list.txt~ b/beta_old1/TODO_list.txt~
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ec9ff..0000000
--- a/beta_old1/TODO_list.txt~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Faire des tests en affichant tous les messages, même E_NOTICE.
-Intégrer ça dans la fonction qui gère le paramètre debug des pages.
-error_reporting ( E_ALL )
-TODO : dans detail_reunion, vérifier que le id réunion nous concerne bien !!!
-faire une fonction JS qui appelle une page php ou créer toute seule un cookie qui gère la préférence du css.
-Se préoccuper des accents et des encodages de pages !
-Fermture des liens SQL ????
-TODO : un script php qui purge la base
--> export SQL ancienne base ?
--> suppression des réunions plus vielles que...
--> suppression des Personnes n'ayant jamais changé leur profil et n'ayant plus de réunion les concernant
--> suppression de tout les créneaux non référencés
--> suppression de toutes les listes privées obsoletes
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/admin.php b/beta_old1/app/admin.php
index fffdd13..4248d2a 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/admin.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/admin.php
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+//~ require_once('include/');
+//~ require_once('include/');
@@ -17,9 +17,24 @@ generate_html_divs_menu();
&gt; Administration
- <div id="contenu">
- generate_html_div_help();
+ generate_html_div_help();
+ echo '<div id="contenu">' . "\n";
+ if ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) )
+ {
+ switch ($_REQUEST['action'])
+ {
+ case 'delete_from_AWOR_Liste':
+ case 'delete_from_AWOR_Fichier':
+ case 'delete_from_AWOR_Reunion':
+ case 'delete_from_AWOR_Personne':
+ $_REQUEST['action']();
+ break;
+ default:
+ $errmsg = 'Impossible de traiter la requete : paramètre erroné'."\n";
+ }
+ }
if ( !isset($_SESSION['session_loginP']) || ( !is_integer(array_search($_SESSION['session_loginP'],$CONFIG['SUPERUSERS'],true))) )
@@ -33,10 +48,13 @@ generate_html_divs_menu();
// TODO : fonctions qui purgent les tables filles selon un id donné, pour chaque cas mère-fille (indiqués plus bas)
// Fonctions qui génèrent des tableaux listant tous les objets de la base, et permettant la sélection multiple et l'éffacement (en cascade)
- //~ admin_display_listes(); // Permet de virer des liste
- //~ admin_display_fichiers(); // Permet de virer des fichiers, doit purger physiquement sur le disque
- //~ admin_display_reunions(); // Permet de virer des gens, doit purger les tables Creneau et Choisir, Repondre, Fichiers
- //~ admin_display_personnes(); // Permet de virer des gens, doit purger les tables Appartenir, Reunion
+ html_generate_MySQLTableSuppr('AWOR_Liste','idL'); // Permet de virer des liste
+ echo "<br />\n";
+ html_generate_MySQLTableSuppr('AWOR_Fichier','idFic'); // Permet de virer des fichiers, doit purger physiquement sur le disque
+ echo "<br />\n";
+ html_generate_MySQLTableSuppr('AWOR_Reunion','idR', 'idR,objetR,estAnnulee,idP_Orga,idC_Fixe,idL'); // Permet de virer des gens, doit purger les tables Creneau et Choisir, Repondre, Fichiers
+ echo "<br />\n";
+ html_generate_MySQLTableSuppr('AWOR_Personne','idP'); // Permet de virer des gens, doit purger les tables Appartenir, Reunion
echo " </div>\n";
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/auth_dialog.php b/beta_old1/app/auth_dialog.php
index 9d1d391..55e6c16 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/auth_dialog.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/auth_dialog.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
include 'include/ludo/';
// Requete SQL
- $query = "SELECT idP, loginP, nomP, prenomP, methodeAuth FROM Personne WHERE loginP='$loginP';";
+ $query = "SELECT idP, loginP, nomP, prenomP, methodeAuth FROM AWOR_Personne WHERE loginP='$loginP';";
if ( ! $result = @mysql_query($query) )
// Cas d'erreur
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/css/ice.css b/beta_old1/app/css/ice.css
index acc0714..9418fd9 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/css/ice.css
+++ b/beta_old1/app/css/ice.css
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
em {color:#F00;}
img { border : none ; }
-img.spacing{ margin: 0 0.5em 0 0.5em;}
+img.spacing{ margin: 0 0.2em 0 0.2em;}
body {
color: #000000;
@@ -288,24 +288,55 @@ div.popup_contenu em
+#msg em
+ color:#FFF;
- display:inline;
- position:absolute;
- text-align:center;
+ display:block;
+ position:fixed;
- height:2em;
- padding-top:-2em;
- margin-top:-2em;
+ height:2.3em;
+ padding-top:-2.3em;
+ margin-top:-2.3em;
-#footer li.left
+#footer ul
- align-text:left;
+ display:inline;
+ list-style-type:none;
+ white-space:nowrap;
+#footer li.right {
+ list-style: none;
+ float:right;
+ white-space:nowrap;/*Evite l'étalement sur deux ligne*/
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ padding-top:0.5em;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+#footer li {
+ list-style: none;
+ float:right;
+ white-space:nowrap;/*Evite l'étalement sur deux ligne*/
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ margin-top:-14px;
+ padding-right:30px;
+#footer li.left {
+ list-style: none;
+ float:left;
+ white-space:nowrap;/*Evite l'étalement sur deux ligne*/
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-left:30px;
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/css/ice_nohelp.css b/beta_old1/app/css/ice_nohelp.css
index 48a9fd8..03c382f 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/css/ice_nohelp.css
+++ b/beta_old1/app/css/ice_nohelp.css
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ body {
min-width:750px; /*Pour eviter le chevauchement pour FireFox, ne change rien pour IE (qui gere pas trop mal sans ca) */
+ height: 100%;
table {
@@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ p.arbre a:link, p.arbre a:visited {color:#FFFFFF; }
#no_help {
@@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ div.popup_contenu em
- position:absolute;
+ position:fixed;
@@ -302,10 +304,42 @@ div.popup_contenu em
- top:100%;
- height:2em;
- padding-top:-2em;
- margin-top:-2em;
+ bottom:0;
+ height:2.3em;
+ padding-top:-2.3em;
+ margin-top:-2.3em;
-} \ No newline at end of file
+#footer ul
+ display:inline;
+ list-style-type:none;
+ white-space:nowrap;
+#footer li.right {
+ list-style: none;
+ float:right;
+ white-space:nowrap;/*Evite l'étalement sur deux ligne*/
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ padding-top:0.5em;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+#footer li {
+ list-style: none;
+ float:right;
+ white-space:nowrap;/*Evite l'étalement sur deux ligne*/
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ margin-top:-14px;
+ padding-right:30px;
+#footer li.left {
+ list-style: none;
+ float:left;
+ white-space:nowrap;/*Evite l'étalement sur deux ligne*/
+ vertical-align:middle;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-left:30px;
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/details_reunion.php b/beta_old1/app/details_reunion.php
index dc82c72..845e688 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/details_reunion.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/details_reunion.php
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ generate_html_divs_menu();
// Vérification que la réunion nous concerne bien
- $query="SELECT * FROM Appartenir a WHERE a.idL=$idR, a.idP=$idP;";
+ $query="SELECT * FROM AWOR_Appartenir a WHERE a.idL=$idR, a.idP=$idP;";
if ( ( $result = @mysql_query($query) ) && ( mysql_num_rows($result) === 1 ) )
$errmsg='Vous n\'avez pas le droit de consulter cette page : cette réunion n\'existe pas ou ne vous concerne pas !';
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ b/beta_old1/app/include/
index e79570b..0d858e3 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ define("ERR_ICAL_SQL_ERROR", -2);
$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT R.idR,R.objetR,P.courrielP,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(C.dateHeure),C.duree,R.lieuR,R.ordreJourR,L.idL'
- . ' FROM Liste L,Reunion R,Appartenir A,Creneau C,Personne P'
+ . ' FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R,AWOR_Appartenir A,AWOR_Creneau C,AWOR_Personne P'
. " WHERE ((A.idP = $idP AND A.idL = L.idL) OR R.idP_Orga = $idP)"
. ' AND R.idL = L.idL AND C.idC = R.idC_Fixe AND P.idP = R.idP_Orga'
. ' AND C.dateHeure > NOW() ';
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ define("ERR_ICAL_SQL_ERROR", -2);
$iCal_content .= "LOCATION:$lieuR\r\n";
$iCal_content .= "DESCRIPTION:$ordreJourR\r\n";
- $query = 'SELECT P.courrielP FROM Appartenir A,Personne P' . " WHERE A.idP=P.idP AND A.idL='$idL'";
+ $query = 'SELECT P.courrielP FROM AWOR_Appartenir A,AWOR_Personne P' . " WHERE A.idP=P.idP AND A.idL='$idL'";
if ( ! $result = mysql_query($query) )
// Cas d'erreur
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ b/beta_old1/app/include/
index 3c87753..dcbb75e 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ require_once ('include/');
function list_delete($idL)
- $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM Appartenir WHERE idL=$idL;");
- $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM Liste WHERE idL=$idL;");
+ $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM AWOR_Appartenir WHERE idL=$idL;");
+ $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM AWOR_Liste WHERE idL=$idL;");
function list_new($listname,$idP,$isPrivate)
- $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Liste (libelleL,estPrivee,idP_Createur) VALUES ('$listname','$isPrivate',$idP)") or die (mysql_error());
+ $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO AWOR_Liste (libelleL,estPrivee,idP_Createur) VALUES ('$listname','$isPrivate',$idP)") or die (mysql_error());
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0)
return (mysql_insert_id());
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
function list_modif($idL,$tabParticipant)
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT P.idP,P.courrielP FROM Appartenir A, Personne P WHERE P.idP = A.idP AND A.idL=$idL") or die (mysql_error());
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT P.idP,P.courrielP FROM AWOR_Appartenir A, AWOR_Personne P WHERE P.idP = A.idP AND A.idL=$idL") or die (mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>=0)
//Fabrication des trois tableaux
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
foreach ($tabPers as $pers)
- $result=mysql_query("INSERT INTO Appartenir (idP,idL) VALUES ($pers,$idL);");
+ $result=mysql_query("INSERT INTO AWOR_Appartenir (idP,idL) VALUES ($pers,$idL);");
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
foreach ($tabPers as $pers)
- $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM Appartenir WHERE idP=$pers AND idL=$idL;");
+ $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM AWOR_Appartenir WHERE idP=$pers AND idL=$idL;");
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
// ou Insert une personne et retourne son identifiant
function new_pers ($persMail)
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT idP,courrielP FROM Personne WHERE courrielP = '$persMail'");
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT idP,courrielP FROM AWOR_Personne WHERE courrielP = '$persMail'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
- $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Personne (courrielP,loginP,nomP) VALUES ('$persMail','$persMail','$persMail')");
+ $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO AWOR_Personne (courrielP,loginP,nomP) VALUES ('$persMail','$persMail','$persMail')");
return (mysql_insert_id());
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
//Fonction qui affiche toutes les liste public ainsi que les liste privée possédées par idP
function generate_html_array_list ($idP)
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT idL,libelleL,estPrivee,idP_Createur FROM Liste WHERE idP_Createur=$idP OR estPrivee='non' ORDER BY estPrivee,libelleL");
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT idL,libelleL,estPrivee,idP_Createur FROM AWOR_Liste WHERE idP_Createur=$idP OR estPrivee='non' ORDER BY estPrivee,libelleL");
echo "<table>\n<tr>\n<th>Supprimer</th>\n<th>Type</th>\n<th>Libell&eacute;</th>\n</tr>\n";
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ require_once ('include/');
require_once ('include/');
if (isset($_GET['idR']))
- $query="UPDATE Repondre SET commentaireReponse ='".$_GET['txtCommentaire']."' WHERE idR=".$_GET['idR']." AND idP=".$_SESSION['session_idP'];
+ $query="UPDATE AWOR_Repondre SET commentaireReponse ='".$_GET['txtCommentaire']."' WHERE idR=".$_GET['idR']." AND idP=".$_SESSION['session_idP'];
$result = @mysql_query($query);
if ( ! $result || ( mysql_affected_rows() !== 1 ) )
- $query="INSERT INTO Repondre(idR,idP,commentaireReponse) VALUES (".$_GET['idR'].", ".$_SESSION['session_idP'].", '".$_GET['txtCommentaire']."')";
+ $query="INSERT INTO AWOR_Repondre(idR,idP,commentaireReponse) VALUES (".$_GET['idR'].", ".$_SESSION['session_idP'].", '".$_GET['txtCommentaire']."')";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ( ! $result || ( mysql_affected_rows() !== 1 ))
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
- $query="DELETE FROM Repondre WHERE idR=".$_GET['idR']." AND idP=".$_SESSION['session_idP'];
+ $query="DELETE FROM AWOR_Repondre WHERE idR=".$_GET['idR']." AND idP=".$_SESSION['session_idP'];
$result = mysql_query($query);
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ require_once ('include/');
echo "<th>Commentaires <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"loadid('popcommentaire.php?idR=".$idR."&amp;idP=".$idP."','popcommentaire',true);popon('popcommentaire');\">(Editer votre commentaire)</a></th>";
echo '</tr>';
echo '</thead>';
- $requete = "SELECT P.nomP,P.prenomP,P.courrielP,R.commentaireReponse FROM Repondre R,Personne P WHERE P.idP = R.idP AND R.idR = '".$idR."'";
+ $requete = "SELECT P.nomP,P.prenomP,P.courrielP,R.commentaireReponse FROM AWOR_Repondre R,AWOR_Personne P WHERE P.idP = R.idP AND R.idR = '".$idR."'";
//echo "DEBUG : requete : $requete\n";
$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
if($resultat != false)
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ b/beta_old1/app/include/
index 49f0322..75fb4ee 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ function traiter_formulaire_popfichier()
$file = "fichier";
+ if ( isset($CONFIG['UPLOAD']['relative_path']) ) { $basepath=$CONFIG['UPLOAD']['relative_path']; } else { $basepath='fichiers/';}
+ $basepath=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$basepath;
if($_FILES[$file]["error"] == 0)
@@ -12,12 +15,13 @@ function traiter_formulaire_popfichier()
$ext = array_pop($ext);
if(is_numeric(array_search(strtolower($ext), $CONFIG["UPLOAD"]["accepted_files"])))
- if(!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fichiers/"."r".$_GET["idR"]."_".$_FILES[$file]["name"]))
+ $filepath=$basepath."r".$_GET["idR"]."_".$_FILES[$file]["name"];
+ if(!file_exists($filepath))
- if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file]["tmp_name"], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fichiers/"."r".$_GET["idR"]."_".$_FILES[$file]["name"]))
+ if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file]["tmp_name"], $filepath))
- if(isset($debug)) echo "DEBUG :".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/fichiers/\n";
- $requete = "INSERT INTO Fichier(nomFic, idR) VALUES ('"."r".$_GET["idR"]."_".$_FILES[$file]["name"]."', '".$_GET["idR"]."')";
+ if(isset($debug)) echo "DEBUG : basepath==$basepath\n";
+ $requete = "INSERT INTO AWOR_Fichier(nomFic, idR) VALUES ('"."r".$_GET["idR"]."_".$_FILES[$file]["name"]."', '".$_GET["idR"]."')";
if(mysql_query($requete) == false)
if(isset($debug)) echo "DEBUG : ".mysql_error()."<br/>\n";
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_popfichier()
- case 1 : return "Erreur : Le fichier a une taille trop importante."; break;
+ case 1 :
case 2 : return "Erreur : Le fichier a une taille trop importante."; break;
case 3 : return "Erreur : Le fichier n'a pas ete envoye en entier."; break;
case 4 : return "Erreur : Aucun fichier recu."; break;
@@ -61,7 +65,10 @@ function traiter_formulaire_popfichier()
function generate_html_reunion_fichiers($idR)
- $requete = "SELECT * FROM Fichier WHERE idR = '".$idR."'";
+ require("include/ludo/");
+ if ( isset($CONFIG['UPLOAD']['relative_path']) ) { $basepath='/'.$CONFIG['UPLOAD']['relative_path']; } else { $basepath='/fichiers/';}
+ $requete = "SELECT * FROM AWOR_Fichier WHERE idR = '".$idR."'";
$resultat = mysql_query($requete);
if($resultat != false)
@@ -75,7 +82,7 @@ function generate_html_reunion_fichiers($idR)
while($fichier = mysql_fetch_array($resultat))
- echo "<tr><td><a href=\"../fichiers/".$fichier["nomFic"]."\" target=\"_blank\" >".$fichier["nomFic"]."</a></td></tr>\n";
+ echo '<tr><td><a href="' . $basepath . $fichier["nomFic"].'" target="_blank" >'.$fichier["nomFic"]."</a></td></tr>\n";
@@ -129,8 +136,8 @@ function traiter_formulaire_valider_creneau()
if(isset($debug)) echo $listeCreneau;
//On recupere les creneaux ne faisant plus partie de la novuelle liste des creneaux
- $requete = "SELECT * FROM Creneau WHERE idR='".$_REQUEST["idR"]."' AND idC NOT IN ".$listeCreneau;
- echo $requete;
+ $requete = "SELECT * FROM AWOR_Creneau WHERE idR='".$_REQUEST["idR"]."' AND idC NOT IN ".$listeCreneau;
+ //echo "DEBUG : $requete";
if($resultat = mysql_query($requete))
while($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($resultat))
@@ -143,7 +150,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_valider_creneau()
function traiter_formulaire_maj_profil()
- $requete = "UPDATE Personne SET courrielP = '".$_POST["courrielP"]."', loginP = '".$_POST["loginP"]."', nomP = '".$_POST["nomP"]."', prenomP = '".$_POST["prenomP"]."', methodeAuth = '".$_POST["methodeAuth"]."' WHERE idP = '".$_SESSION['session_idP']."'";
+ $requete = "UPDATE AWOR_Personne SET courrielP = '".$_POST["courrielP"]."', loginP = '".$_POST["loginP"]."', nomP = '".$_POST["nomP"]."', prenomP = '".$_POST["prenomP"]."', methodeAuth = '".$_POST["methodeAuth"]."' WHERE idP = '".$_SESSION['session_idP']."'";
if(mysql_query($requete) == false) return "Une erreur MySQL est survenu : ".mysql_error();
$_SESSION['session_prenomP'] = $_POST["prenomP"];
$_SESSION['session_nomP'] = $_POST["nomP"];
@@ -157,14 +164,14 @@ function ajouterCreneau($idR, $heureD, $minD, $heureA, $minA, $jourA, $moisA, $a
$duree = $dateA - $dateD;
$dateD = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", $dateD);
$duree = $duree / 60;
- $requete = "INSERT INTO Creneau (dateHeure, duree, idR) VALUES ('".$dateD."', '".$duree."', '".$idR."')";
+ $requete = "INSERT INTO AWOR_Creneau (dateHeure, duree, idR) VALUES ('".$dateD."', '".$duree."', '".$idR."')";
if(isset($debug)) echo $requete."<br/>";
if(mysql_query($requete)) { return mysql_insert_id(); } else { return false; }
function ajouterCreneau2($idR, $dateHeure, $duree)
- $requete = "INSERT INTO Creneau (dateHeure, duree, idR) VALUES ('".$dateHeure."', '".$duree."', '".$idR."')";
+ $requete = "INSERT INTO AWOR_Creneau (dateHeure, duree, idR) VALUES ('".$dateHeure."', '".$duree."', '".$idR."')";
return mysql_insert_id();
@@ -177,9 +184,9 @@ function ajouterCreneau2($idR, $dateHeure, $duree)
function supprimerCreneau($idC)
- if(mysql_query("DELETE FROM Creneau WHERE idC='".$idC."'"))
+ if(mysql_query("DELETE FROM AWOR_Creneau WHERE idC='".$idC."'"))
- if(mysql_query("DELETE FROM Choisir WHERE idC='".$idC."'"))
+ if(mysql_query("DELETE FROM AWOR_Choisir WHERE idC='".$idC."'"))
return true;
@@ -201,7 +208,7 @@ function creneauExiste($idR, $heureD, $minD, $heureA, $minA, $jourA, $moisA, $an
$duree = $dateA - $dateD;
$dateD = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", $dateD);
$duree = $duree / 60;
- $requete = "SELECT * FROM Creneau WHERE idR='".$idR."' AND dateHeure='".$dateD."' AND duree=".$duree."";
+ $requete = "SELECT * FROM AWOR_Creneau WHERE idR='".$idR."' AND dateHeure='".$dateD."' AND duree=".$duree."";
if($result = mysql_query($requete))
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
index 51d6d73..6d6504b 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ $CONFIG = array
'accepted_files' => array
'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf', 'ps', 'txt', 'rtf', 'csv', 'doc', 'docx', 'ppt', 'xls', 'sxw','sxp','sxd', 'odt', 'odg', 'odp', 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'rm', 'flv', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'ogg','htm','html','zip', 'rar', 'tar', 'gz', 'bz2', 'ace'
- )
+ ),
+ 'relative_path' => 'beta/upload_files/'
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/div_create_or_modif.php b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/div_create_or_modif.php
index 5849180..c386060 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/div_create_or_modif.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/div_create_or_modif.php
@@ -58,20 +58,13 @@ if ( isset ( $_GET['idR']) )
<td><strong>Etat :</strong></td>
<input name="isCancelled" type="checkbox">Annulée</input>
- <?php
- // TODO : refléter l'état de la BD pour l'annulation !
- ?>
+ <input name="isHidden" type="checkbox" checked="checked">Disponibilités masquées</input>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="Valider" type="submit" value="Valider"></input>
- <?php
- // TODO : refléter l'état de la BD pour l'annulation !
- //~ echo '<a href="#confirmAnnulation" onclick="loadid(\'include/ludo/popConfirmAnnulR.php?idR=';
- //~ echo $idR . "','popfixer',true);popon('popfixer');\">Annuler</a>";
- ?>
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
index 7411000..74b7ca7 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function generate_html_array_personnes_crenaux($idR)
// Récupération des paramètres de la réunion...
- $query="SELECT r.montrerDispoR, r.estAnnulee, r.idP_Orga, r.idC_Fixe, r.idL FROM Reunion r WHERE r.idR='$idR'";
+ $query="SELECT r.montrerDispoR, r.estAnnulee, r.idP_Orga, r.idC_Fixe, r.idL FROM AWOR_Reunion r WHERE r.idR='$idR'";
$result = @mysql_query($query);
if ( $result && ( mysql_num_rows($result) === 1 ) )
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ function generate_html_array_personnes_crenaux($idR)
echo ' </th>' . "\n";
// Remplissage des entêtes de colonnes (créneaux)
- $query="SELECT idC, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateHeure), duree FROM Creneau WHERE idR='$idR' ORDER BY dateHeure ASC;";
+ $query="SELECT idC, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateHeure), duree FROM AWOR_Creneau WHERE idR='$idR' ORDER BY dateHeure ASC;";
if ( $result = @mysql_query($query) )
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ function generate_html_array_personnes_crenaux($idR)
// Requette écrivant les disponibilités dans un tableau associatif en une seule fois
if ( $montrerDispoR )
- $query='SELECT ch.idC, ch.idP, ch.estDispo FROM Choisir ch, Creneau c, Personne p, Appartenir a, Reunion r WHERE '
+ $query='SELECT ch.idC, ch.idP, ch.estDispo FROM AWOR_Choisir ch, AWOR_Creneau c, AWOR_Personne p, AWOR_Appartenir a, AWOR_Reunion r WHERE '
."c.idR=$idR AND r.idR=$idR AND a.idL=r.idL AND p.idP=a.idP AND ch.idC = c.idC AND ch.idP = p.idP;";
- $query='SELECT ch.idC, ch.idP, ch.estDispo FROM Choisir ch, Creneau c WHERE '
+ $query='SELECT ch.idC, ch.idP, ch.estDispo FROM AWOR_Choisir ch, AWOR_Creneau c WHERE '
."c.idR='$idR' AND ch.idC=c.idC AND ch.idP='$idP_Self';";
//echo $query . "\n";
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ function generate_html_array_personnes_crenaux($idR)
- $query='SELECT p.idP, p.prenomP, p.nomP FROM Personne p, Appartenir a, Reunion r WHERE '
+ $query='SELECT p.idP, p.prenomP, p.nomP FROM AWOR_Personne p, AWOR_Appartenir a, AWOR_Reunion r WHERE '
. "r.idR='$idR' AND a.idL=r.idL AND p.idP=a.idP ORDER BY p.nomP, p.prenomP;";
if ( $result = @mysql_query($query) )
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_fixer_creneau()
- $query="UPDATE Reunion SET idC_Fixe=$idC WHERE idR=$idR;";
+ $query="UPDATE AWOR_Reunion SET idC_Fixe=$idC WHERE idR=$idR;";
if ( ! mysql_query($query) || mysql_affected_rows() != 1 )
$errmsg='Impossible de fixer la réunion : ' . mysql_generate_errmsg();
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_creer_reunion()
// Recherche d'une réunion vierge déjà existante
- $query='SELECT idR FROM Reunion WHERE idP_Orga=' . "('$idP') AND objetR='Renseignez';";
+ $query='SELECT idR FROM AWOR_Reunion WHERE idP_Orga=' . "('$idP') AND objetR='Renseignez';";
if ( ( $result = mysql_query($query) ) && (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) )
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_creer_reunion()
// Création de la Réunion sauf si une réunion vierge existe déjà
- $query='INSERT INTO Reunion(idP_Orga, objetR) VALUES' . "('$idP', 'Renseignez');";
+ $query='INSERT INTO AWOR_Reunion(idP_Orga, objetR) VALUES' . "('$idP', 'Renseignez');";
if ( ! $result = @mysql_query($query) || (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) )
// Cas d'erreur
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_creer_reunion()
return $errmsg;
- $query="UPDATE Reunion SET idL='$idL' WHERE idR='$idR'";
+ $query="UPDATE AWOR_Reunion SET idL='$idL' WHERE idR='$idR'";
if ( ! $result = @mysql_query($query) || (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) )
// Cas d'erreur
@@ -405,8 +405,10 @@ function traiter_formulaire_modif_detail_reunion()
$estAnnulee=( isset($_POST['isCancelled']) && ($_POST['isCancelled']==='on') )?'oui':'non';
+ $montrerDispoR=( isset($_POST['isHidden']) && ($_POST['isHidden']==='on') )?'non':'oui';
- $query="UPDATE Reunion SET objetR='$objetR', lieuR='$lieuR', ordreJourR='$ordreJourR', remarquesR='$remarquesR', estAnnulee='$estAnnulee' WHERE idR='$idR'";
+ $query="UPDATE AWOR_Reunion SET objetR='$objetR', lieuR='$lieuR', ordreJourR='$ordreJourR', "
+ ." remarquesR='$remarquesR', estAnnulee='$estAnnulee', montrerDispoR='$montrerDispoR' WHERE idR='$idR'";
if ( ! $result = @mysql_query($query) || (mysql_affected_rows() != 1) )
// Cas d'erreur
@@ -423,7 +425,7 @@ function traiter_formulaire_modif_detail_reunion()
function generate_html_reunion_detail2($idR)
$query='SELECT r.objetR, r.ordreJourR, r.lieuR, r.remarquesR, r.montrerDispoR, r.estAnnulee, r.idP_Orga, r.idC_Fixe, p.nomP, p.prenomP'
- . " FROM Reunion r, Personne p WHERE r.idR='$idR' AND p.idP=r.idP_Orga";
+ . " FROM AWOR_Reunion r, AWOR_Personne p WHERE r.idR='$idR' AND p.idP=r.idP_Orga";
$result = @mysql_query($query);
if ( ! $result || ( mysql_num_rows($result) !== 1 ) )
@@ -512,4 +514,37 @@ function generate_html_reunion_detail2($idR)
+function html_generate_MySQLTableSuppr($table, $key_name, $columns='*', $where_clause='')
+ require_once('include/ludo/');
+ require_once('include/');
+ if ( $where_clause !== '' ) { $where_clause="WHERE $where_clause"; }
+ $query = "SELECT $columns FROM $table $where_clause;";
+ //~ echo "DEBUG : $query\n";
+ if ( ! $result = @mysql_query($query) )
+ {
+ return "Erreur de génération de la table $table\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+ // Affichage des entêtes du tableau et du pied de tableau
+ echo '<form action="" method="post">' . "\n" . '<table summary="Affichage des objets de la table ' . $table . ' pour la purger">' . "\n<thead>\n<tr>\n";
+ echo '<td colspan="' . ( count($row) + 1 ) . "\">$table</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n";
+ echo "<td></td><td>" . implode("</td>\n<td>",array_keys($row)) . "</td>\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tfoot><tr>\n";
+ echo '<td><input name="action" value="delete_from_' . $table . '" type="hidden" /><input value="Supprimer" type="submit" /></td>';
+ for ( $i=0; $i < count($row); $i++ ) { echo "<td></td>"; }
+ echo "</tr>\n</tfoot>\n<tbody>\n";
+ $num=0;
+ do
+ { if ( isset($row[$key_name]) ) { $num=$row[$key_name]; } else { $num=''; }
+ echo "<tr>\n<td><input name=\"${key_name}_${num}\" type=\"checkbox\" /></td>\n<td>" . implode("</td>\n<td>",$row) . "</td>\n</tr>\n";
+ } while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) );
+ echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n</form>\n";
+ }
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
index 41fd812..b845f28 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>'."\n"
<meta name="author" content="Jérémie Dénoyer, Ludovic Pouzenc, Andriana Semouchtchak, Julien Sérè" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
- $cssfilemain='';
- if ( isset($_COOKIE['awor']['custom_css'] ) )
+ //print_r($_COOKIE['aworcustom_css']);
+ if ( /*isset($_COOKIE['aworcustom_css'])*/ false )
- $cssfilemain = $_COOKIE['awor']['custom_css'];
+ $cssfilemain = $_COOKIE['aworcustom_css'];
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ include '';
<li><a href="listes.php">Listes</a></li>
<li><a href="profil.php">Mon profil</a></li>
<li><a href="ical.php">iCal</a></li>
+ <li><a href="apropos.php">A Propos</a></li>
<?php if ( isset($_SESSION['session_loginP']) && (is_integer(array_search($_SESSION['session_loginP'],$CONFIG['SUPERUSERS'],true))) )
{ echo ' <li><a href="admin.php">Administration</a></li>' . "\n"; }
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ function generate_html_div_help($help_file='')
//if ( @fopen($help_file, 'r')!==false )
echo '<div id="no_help">' . "\n<h2><a href=\"#css_standard\" onclick=\"setActiveStyleSheet('standard');\">?</a></h2>\n" . "</div>\n";
- echo '<div id="help">' . "\n<h2><a href=\"#css_nohelp\" onclick=\"setActiveStyleSheet('nohelp');\">Aide</a></h2>\n";
+ echo '<div id="help">' . "\n";
echo "</div>\n";
@@ -100,14 +101,15 @@ function generate_html_div_css_chooser()
if ( ! is_array($CONFIG['CSS']['CHOOSER_LIST']) ) { return false; }
- if ( isset($_COOKIE['awor']['custom_css'] ) ) { $css_selected=$_COOKIE['awor']['custom_css']; }else{$css_selected='';};
+ if ( isset($_COOKIE['aworcustom_css'] ) ) { $css_selected=$_COOKIE['aworcustom_css']; }else{$css_selected='';};
echo '<div class="css_chooser">' . "\n";
+ //print_r($_COOKIE);
echo ' <select id="switcherCSS" onchange="switchCSS();">' . "\n";
foreach ( $CONFIG['CSS']['CHOOSER_LIST'] as $file => $name )
- echo ' <option value="' . $file;
- if ( $file == $css_selected ) { echo ' selected="selected'; }
- echo '">' . $name . '</option>' . "\n";
+ echo ' <option value="' . $file . '"';
+ if ( $file == $css_selected ) { echo ' selected="selected"'; }
+ echo '>' . $name . '</option>' /*. "$DEBUG:file=$file, css_selected=$css_selected"*/ . "\n";
echo ' </select>'. "\n";
echo '</div>'. "\n";
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ function generate_html_div_footer()
<li class="right">
- <span class="discret">Application réalisée par Jérémie Dénoyer, Ludovic Pouzenc, Julien Séré et Andriana Semouchtchak</span>
+ <span class="discret">Application réalisée par Jérémie Dénoyer,<br /> Ludovic Pouzenc, Julien Séré et Andriana Semouchtchak</span>
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/mail_textarea.php b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/mail_textarea.php
index cf4b6d7..87f4965 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/mail_textarea.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/mail_textarea.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if ( isset($_GET['model']) ) { $model=$_GET['model']; } else { $model='empty'; }
if (isset( $_GET['idR']) )
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT objetR, ordreJourR, lieuR, remarquesR FROM Reunion WHERE idR='$idR'");
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT objetR, ordreJourR, lieuR, remarquesR FROM AWOR_Reunion WHERE idR='$idR'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result)===1)
list($objetR, $ordreJourR, $lieuR, $remarquesR) = mysql_fetch_array($result);
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/majDispo.php b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/majDispo.php
index ab7c200..3f79fec 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/majDispo.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/include/ludo/majDispo.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@@ -20,22 +21,19 @@ else
- // TODO Traitement
-/* echo "DEBUG : query==UPDATE Choisir SET estDispo = '$estDispo' WHERE idC='$idC' AND idP='$idP'";
- $query="UPDATE Choisir SET estDispo = '$estDispo' WHERE idC='$idC' AND idP='$idP'";
+ $query="UPDATE AWOR_Choisir SET estDispo = '$estDispo' WHERE idC='$idC' AND idP='$idP'";
$result = @mysql_query($query);
- if ( ! $result || ( mysql_num_rows($result) !== 1 ) )
+ if ( ! $result || ( mysql_affected_rows() !== 1 ) )
- $query="INSERT INTO Choisir(idC,idP,estDispo) VALUES ('$idC', '$idP', '$estDispo')";
- $result = @mysql_query($query);
- if ( ! $result || ( mysql_num_rows($result) !== 1 ) )
+ $query="INSERT INTO AWOR_Choisir(idC,idP,estDispo) VALUES ('$idC', '$idP', '$estDispo')";
+ //echo "DEBUG :$query";
+ $result = mysql_query($query);
+ if ( ! $result || ( mysql_affected_rows() !== 1 ) )
echo "Erreur BD\n";
- } */
+ }
generate_html_dispo_case($idR, $idP, $idC, true, $estDispo, false);
?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/index.php b/beta_old1/app/index.php
index eefb768..572c656 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/index.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/index.php
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ generate_html_div_help();
// Réunions fixées et passées
$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT R.idR, R.objetR, P.nomP, P.prenomP, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(C.dateHeure), R.estAnnulee'
- . ' FROM Liste L,Reunion R,Appartenir A,Creneau C,Personne P'
+ . ' FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R,AWOR_Appartenir A,AWOR_Creneau C,AWOR_Personne P'
. " WHERE ((A.idP = $idP AND A.idL = L.idL) OR R.idP_Orga = $idP)"
. ' AND R.idL = L.idL AND P.idP = R.idP_Orga AND R.idC_Fixe = C.idC'
. ' ORDER BY C.dateHeure DESC;';
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ generate_html_div_help();
// Réunion en préparation
$query = 'SELECT DISTINCT R.idR, R.objetR, P.nomP, P.prenomP, NULL, R.estAnnulee'
- . ' FROM Liste L,Reunion R,Appartenir A,Personne P' // Creneau C,
+ . ' FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R,AWOR_Appartenir A,AWOR_Personne P' // Creneau C,
. " WHERE ((A.idP = $idP AND A.idL = L.idL) OR R.idP_Orga = $idP)"
. ' AND R.idL = L.idL AND P.idP = R.idP_Orga AND ISNULL(R.idC_Fixe);';
//echo "DEBUG : $query\n";
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/install/jeu_essai.sql b/beta_old1/app/install/jeu_essai.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 889d4f6..0000000
--- a/beta_old1/app/install/jeu_essai.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
--- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
--- TODO !!
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/listes.php b/beta_old1/app/listes.php
index 8a6e40d..3ec4d39 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/listes.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/listes.php
@@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ generate_html_div_help('help/groupe.hlp');
<div id="popdeletelist" class="popup_deletelist"></div>
<div id="masque"></div>
<div id="msg"></div>
-<?php generate_html_div_footer() ?>
+<?php generate_html_div_footer() ?>
</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/modele_page.php b/beta_old1/app/modele_page.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d555a..0000000
--- a/beta_old1/app/modele_page.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-echo "<body>\n";
- <div id="contenu">
- <h1>Page modèle</h1>
- <h2>Modele de formulaire</h2>
- <?php echo '<form id="auth" method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">' . "\n"; ?>
- <div class="aligned">
- <div>
- <span class="label">premier champ :</span>
- <span class="field"><input name="champ1" type="text" size="20" tabindex="1" /></span>
- </div>
- <div>
- <span class="label">deuxieme champ :</span>
- <span class="field"><input name="champ2" type="text" size="20" tabindex="2" /></span>
- </div>
- <div>
- <span class="label"><input type="reset" value="Vider" /></span>
- <span class="field"><input type="submit" value="Valider" /></span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div>
- <input type="hidden" name="envoi" value="1" />
-<?php if ( isset ($debug) ) { echo ' <input type="hidden" name="debug" value="true" />' . "\n"; } ?>
- </div>
- </form>
- <h2>Appel de la fonction qui génère le tableau personne / créneaux</h2>
- <h2>Quelques éléments à mettre dans toutes les pages ou au moins certaines</h2>
- generate_html_div_deconnect();
- generate_html_div_css_chooser();
- <h2>Etat des tableaux globaux</h2>
- <pre>
- echo "\n\$_GLOBAL == " ; print_r($_GLOBAL);
- //echo "\n\$_SERVER == " ; print_r($_SERVER);
- echo "\n\$_GET == " ; print_r($_GET);
- echo "\n\$_POST == " ; print_r($_POST);
- echo "\n\$_COOKIE == " ; print_r($_COOKIE);
- echo "\n\$_SESSION == " ; print_r($_SESSION);
- </pre>
- </div>
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/popcommentaire.php b/beta_old1/app/popcommentaire.php
index b585067..cb6489f 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/popcommentaire.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/popcommentaire.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<form id="formcommentaire" method="get" action="">
<textarea name="txtCommentaire" rows="4" cols="40">
- $requete = "SELECT commentaireReponse FROM Repondre WHERE idP=".$_GET['idP']." AND idR=".$_GET['idR']."";
+ $requete = "SELECT commentaireReponse FROM AWOR_Repondre WHERE idP=".$_GET['idP']." AND idR=".$_GET['idR']."";
$result = mysql_query($requete);
if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/popcreneau.php b/beta_old1/app/popcreneau.php
index 484594b..f4ba56f 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/popcreneau.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/popcreneau.php
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function generate_html_div_popcreneau($idR)
<input name="supprimerCreneau" type="button" value="Retirer" onclick="removecreneau(this.form);"/></td>
<td><select name="creneaux" size="10" id="creneaux">
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateHeure),duree FROM Creneau WHERE idR=".$idR);
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateHeure),duree FROM AWOR_Creneau WHERE idR=".$idR);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/popdeletelist.php b/beta_old1/app/popdeletelist.php
index 4ccadc9..3449714 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/popdeletelist.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/popdeletelist.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<h2>D&eacute;sirer vous supprimer cette liste ?</h2>
<div class="popup_contenu">
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT libelleL FROM Liste WHERE idL=".$_GET['idL']);
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT libelleL FROM AWOR_Liste WHERE idL=".$_GET['idL']);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/popfixer.php b/beta_old1/app/popfixer.php
index a1232b0..7e1c85a 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/popfixer.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/popfixer.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
include ('include/');
echo '<h2>D&eacute;sirez-vous fixer ce cr&eacute;neau ?</h2>';
echo '<div class="popup_contenu">';
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateHeure),duree FROM Creneau WHERE idC=".$_GET['idC']);
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateHeure),duree FROM AWOR_Creneau WHERE idC=".$_GET['idC']);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/poppersonne.php b/beta_old1/app/poppersonne.php
index 3335c6b..e9225ba 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/poppersonne.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/poppersonne.php
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ if (!isset($_GET['idL']))
echo "dataListe('participants','dataParticipants'));\">";
- if (isset($_GET['idR'])) $req = "SELECT * FROM Liste L,Reunion R WHERE (L.idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga']." OR R.idP_Orga=".$_GET['idP_orga'].") AND R.idL=L.idL";
- else $req = "SELECT * FROM Liste L,Reunion R WHERE L.idL=".$_GET['idL']." AND L.idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga'];
+ if (isset($_GET['idR'])) $req = "SELECT * FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R WHERE (L.idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga']." OR R.idP_Orga=".$_GET['idP_orga'].") AND R.idL=L.idL";
+ else $req = "SELECT * FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R WHERE L.idL=".$_GET['idL']." AND L.idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga'];
$result = mysql_query($req);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ else
<option value="None">Choisir ...</option>
<option value="Tous">Tous</option>
- $req = "SELECT idL,libelleL,estPrivee FROM Liste WHERE (idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga']." OR estPrivee='non')";
+ $req = "SELECT idL,libelleL,estPrivee FROM AWOR_Liste WHERE (idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga']." OR estPrivee='non')";
if (isset($_GET['idL'])) $req .= " AND idL <>".$_GET['idL'];
$req .= " ORDER BY estPrivee";
$result = mysql_query($req);
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ else
if (isset($_GET['idL']))
- $req = "SELECT P.idP,P.courrielP,P.nomP,P.prenomP FROM Personne P,Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=".$_GET['idL'];
+ $req = "SELECT P.idP,P.courrielP,P.nomP,P.prenomP FROM AWOR_Personne P,AWOR_Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=".$_GET['idL'];
$result = mysql_query($req);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/poppersonneliste.php b/beta_old1/app/poppersonneliste.php
index 6f684a7..a0d60b5 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/poppersonneliste.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/poppersonneliste.php
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
require_once 'include/';
if ($_GET['idL'] != "None")
- $req = "SELECT P.idP , P.courrielP , P.nomP , P.prenomP FROM Personne P";
- if ($_GET['idL'] != "Tous") {$req=$req.",Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=".$_GET['idL'];}
+ $req = "SELECT P.idP , P.courrielP , P.nomP , P.prenomP FROM AWOR_Personne P";
+ if ($_GET['idL'] != "Tous") {$req=$req.",AWOR_Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=".$_GET['idL'];}
$result = mysql_query($req) ;
echo '<select name="contactDispo" size="10" id="contactDispo">';
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/profil.php b/beta_old1/app/profil.php
index 6277d50..289b7f1 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/profil.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/profil.php
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ else
$nom = $_SESSION['session_loginP'];
-$resultat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Personne WHERE idP = '".$_SESSION['session_idP']."'");
+$resultat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM AWOR_Personne WHERE idP = '".$_SESSION['session_idP']."'");
if($resultat != false)
$p = mysql_fetch_array($resultat);
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/sendmail.php b/beta_old1/app/sendmail.php
index e62a4a5..6969701 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/sendmail.php
+++ b/beta_old1/app/sendmail.php
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if( isset($_POST['envoi']) )
// Potentiellement dangereux...
- $query='SELECT nomP, prenomP, courrielP FROM Personne WHERE idP=\'' . implode("' OR idP='", $_POST['dataParticipants']) . "'";
+ $query='SELECT nomP, prenomP, courrielP FROM AWOR_Personne WHERE idP=\'' . implode("' OR idP='", $_POST['dataParticipants']) . "'";
//~ echo " DEBUG : QUERY : $query\n";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ( ! $result )
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if( isset($_POST['envoi']) )
$to=implode(', ',$to);
- if ( ! mail ( $to, urldecode($_POST['msgObject']), wordwrap(urldecode($_POST['msgText']),70), 'From: ' . $CONFIG['automatedMail'] . "\r\n" ) )
+ if ( ! mail ( $to, $_POST['msgObject'], wordwrap($_POST['msgText'],70), 'From: ' . $CONFIG['automatedMail'] . "\r\n" ) )
$errmsg = "Erreur lors de l'émission de l'email : Erreur inconnue";
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ if( isset($_POST['envoi']) )
-$result = mysql_query("SELECT idL FROM Reunion WHERE idR='$idR'");
+$result = mysql_query("SELECT idL FROM AWOR_Reunion WHERE idR='$idR'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result)===1)
list($idL) = mysql_fetch_array($result);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ else
<select name="contactDispo" size="10" id="contactDispo">
$personnes = array();
- $req = 'SELECT P.idP , P.courrielP , P.nomP , P.prenomP FROM Personne P, Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=' . $idL;
+ $req = 'SELECT P.idP , P.courrielP , P.nomP , P.prenomP FROM AWOR_Personne P, AWOR_Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=' . $idL;
$result = mysql_query($req) ;
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
diff --git a/beta_old1/ b/beta_old1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b68b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_old1/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+function html_generate_MySQLTable($table, $columns='*', $where_clause='', $row_begin='', $row_end='')
+ require_once('app/include/ludo/');
+ require_once('app/include/');
+ if ( $where_clause !== '' ) { $where_clause="WHERE $where_clause"; }
+ $query = "SELECT $columns FROM $table $where_clause;";
+ echo "DEBUG : $query\n";
+ if ( ! $result = @mysql_query($query) )
+ {
+ return "Erreur de génération de la table $table\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+ // Affichage des entêtes du tableau
+ echo "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n";
+ echo "$row_begin<td>" . implode("</td>\n<td>",array_keys($row)) . "</td>$row_end\n";
+ echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n";
+ do
+ {
+ echo "<tr>\n\t<td>" . implode("</td>\n<td>",$row) . "</td>\n</tr>\n";
+ } while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) );
+ echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n";
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/install/RAZbase.php b/beta_old1/install/RAZbase.php
index 9b9fa25..9b9fa25 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/install/RAZbase.php
+++ b/beta_old1/install/RAZbase.php
diff --git a/beta_old1/app/install/base.sql b/beta_old1/install/base.sql
index 6d1ba97..6d1ba97 100644
--- a/beta_old1/app/install/base.sql
+++ b/beta_old1/install/base.sql
diff --git a/beta_old1/install/jeu_essai.sql b/beta_old1/install/jeu_essai.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7723733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_old1/install/jeu_essai.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+-- Base de données: `awor`
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Appartenir`
+DELETE FROM `AWOR_Appartenir`;
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Appartenir` (`idL`, `idP`) VALUES (1, 2),
+(1, 3),
+(1, 4),
+(1, 5),
+(2, 1),
+(2, 2),
+(2, 4),
+(2, 5),
+(3, 1),
+(3, 2),
+(3, 3),
+(4, 1),
+(4, 4),
+(4, 5),
+(5, 1),
+(5, 4),
+(5, 5),
+(6, 1),
+(6, 2),
+(6, 3),
+(8, 1),
+(8, 2),
+(8, 3),
+(8, 4);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Choisir`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Choisir` (`idC`, `idP`, `estDispo`) VALUES (1, 3, 'oui'),
+(6, 1, 'oui'),
+(7, 1, 'non'),
+(1, 2, 'oui'),
+(2, 2, 'non'),
+(3, 2, 'oui'),
+(4, 2, 'non'),
+(5, 2, 'oui');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Creneau`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Creneau` (`idC`, `dateHeure`, `duree`, `idR`) VALUES (1, '2007-04-01 07:45:00', 645, 1),
+(2, '2007-04-03 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(3, '2007-04-10 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(4, '2007-04-17 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(5, '2007-04-24 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(6, '2007-06-20 10:10:00', 80, 2),
+(7, '2007-06-25 12:00:00', 30, 2),
+(8, '2007-04-25 00:00:00', 0, 4);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Fichier`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Fichier` (`idFic`, `nomFic`, `idR`) VALUES (1, 'r1_READ_ME.pdf', 1),
+(2, 'r2_IUP MER.txt', 2);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Liste`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Liste` (`idL`, `libelleL`, `estPrivee`, `idP_Createur`) VALUES (1, 'interne_idR_1', 'oui', NULL),
+(2, 'interne_idR_2', 'oui', NULL),
+(3, 'Amis', 'oui', 3),
+(4, 'interne_idR_3', 'oui', NULL),
+(5, 'interne_idR_4', 'oui', NULL),
+(6, 'Créateurs d''AWOR', 'oui', 1),
+(7, 'interne_idR_5', 'oui', NULL),
+(8, 'MaListePerso', 'oui', 2);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Personne`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Personne` (`idP`, `courrielP`, `loginP`, `nomP`, `prenomP`, `estAdmin`, `methodeAuth`) VALUES (1, '', 'lpouzenc', 'Pouzenc', 'Ludovic', 'oui', 'pop'),
+(2, '', 'jeremie.denoyer', 'jeremie', 'denoyer', 'non', 'pop'),
+(3, '', 'julien.sere', 'Julien', 'Sere', 'non', 'pop'),
+(4, '', '', 'Soulé', 'Geneviève', 'non', 'pop'),
+(5, '', '', 'Inglebert', 'Jean-Michel', 'non', 'bypass');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Repondre`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Repondre` (`idR`, `idP`, `commentaireReponse`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...'),
+(1, 3, 'Un commentaire à [ | ) @ {[| @#~{[#`|['),
+(3, 1, 'Réunion juste pour le test...');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Reunion`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Reunion` (`idR`, `objetR`, `ordreJourR`, `lieuR`, `remarquesR`, `montrerDispoR`, `estAnnulee`, `idP_Orga`, `idC_Fixe`, `idL`) VALUES (1, 'Recette du projet tuteuré', 'Recette de cette magnifique application :-)', 'Salle 219', 'Aucune', 'non', 'non', 1, NULL, 1),
+(2, 'Renseignez', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'non', 'non', 3, NULL, 2),
+(3, 'Réunion annulée - essais', '', 'Nullepart', '', 'oui', 'oui', 1, NULL, 4),
+(4, 'Réunion fixée pour tester', '', '', '', 'non', 'non', 1, 8, 5),
+(5, 'Renseignez', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'non', 'non', 2, NULL, 7);
diff --git a/beta_old1/install/jeu_essai.sql~ b/beta_old1/install/jeu_essai.sql~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d25b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_old1/install/jeu_essai.sql~
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+-- Base de données: `awor`
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Appartenir`
+DELETE FROM `AWOR_Appartenir`;
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Appartenir` (`idL`, `idP`) VALUES (1, 2),
+(1, 3),
+(1, 4),
+(1, 5),
+(2, 1),
+(2, 2),
+(2, 4),
+(2, 5),
+(3, 1),
+(3, 2),
+(3, 3),
+(4, 1),
+(4, 4),
+(4, 5),
+(5, 1),
+(5, 4),
+(5, 5),
+(6, 1),
+(6, 2),
+(6, 3),
+(8, 1),
+(8, 2),
+(8, 3),
+(8, 4);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Choisir`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Choisir` (`idC`, `idP`, `estDispo`) VALUES (1, 3, 'oui'),
+(6, 1, 'oui'),
+(7, 1, 'non'),
+(1, 2, 'oui'),
+(2, 2, 'non'),
+(3, 2, 'oui'),
+(4, 2, 'non'),
+(5, 2, 'oui');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Creneau`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Creneau` (`idC`, `dateHeure`, `duree`, `idR`) VALUES (1, '2007-04-01 07:45:00', 645, 1),
+(2, '2007-04-03 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(3, '2007-04-10 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(4, '2007-04-17 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(5, '2007-04-24 09:15:00', 75, 1),
+(6, '2007-06-20 10:10:00', 80, 2),
+(7, '2007-06-25 12:00:00', 30, 2),
+(8, '2007-04-25 00:00:00', 0, 4);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Fichier`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Fichier` (`idFic`, `nomFic`, `idR`) VALUES (1, 'r1_READ_ME.pdf', 1),
+(2, 'r2_IUP MER.txt', 2);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Liste`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Liste` (`idL`, `libelleL`, `estPrivee`, `idP_Createur`) VALUES (1, 'interne_idR_1', 'oui', NULL),
+(2, 'interne_idR_2', 'oui', NULL),
+(3, 'Amis', 'oui', 3),
+(4, 'interne_idR_3', 'oui', NULL),
+(5, 'interne_idR_4', 'oui', NULL),
+(6, 'Créateurs d''AWOR', 'oui', 1),
+(7, 'interne_idR_5', 'oui', NULL),
+(8, 'MaListePerso', 'oui', 2);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Personne`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Personne` (`idP`, `courrielP`, `loginP`, `nomP`, `prenomP`, `estAdmin`, `methodeAuth`) VALUES (1, '', 'lpouzenc', 'Pouzenc', 'Ludovic', 'oui', 'bypass'),
+(2, '', 'jeremie.denoyer', 'jeremie', 'denoyer', 'non', 'bypass'),
+(3, '', 'julien.sere', 'Julien', 'Sere', 'non', 'bypass'),
+(4, '', '', 'Soulé', 'Geneviève', 'non', 'bypass'),
+(5, '', '', 'Inglebert', 'Jean-Michel', 'non', 'bypass');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Repondre`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Repondre` (`idR`, `idP`, `commentaireReponse`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...Test de commentaire un peu long...'),
+(1, 3, 'Un commentaire à [ | ) @ {[| @#~{[#`|['),
+(3, 1, 'Réunion juste pour le test...');
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Contenu de la table `AWOR_Reunion`
+INSERT INTO `AWOR_Reunion` (`idR`, `objetR`, `ordreJourR`, `lieuR`, `remarquesR`, `montrerDispoR`, `estAnnulee`, `idP_Orga`, `idC_Fixe`, `idL`) VALUES (1, 'Recette du projet tuteuré', 'Recette de cette magnifique application :-)', 'Salle 219', 'Aucune', 'non', 'non', 1, NULL, 1),
+(2, 'Renseignez', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'non', 'non', 3, NULL, 2),
+(3, 'Réunion annulée - essais', '', 'Nullepart', '', 'oui', 'oui', 1, NULL, 4),
+(4, 'Réunion fixée pour tester', '', '', '', 'non', 'non', 1, 8, 5),
+(5, 'Renseignez', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'non', 'non', 2, NULL, 7);