#ifndef CONFIG_H_INCLUDED #define CONFIG_H_INCLUDED /************************************** * Data logging/streaming out **************************************/ #define ENABLE_DATA_OUT 0 #define ENABLE_DATA_LOG 0 #define USE_SOFTSERIAL 0 //this defines the format of log file #define LOG_FORMAT FORMAT_CSV /************************************** * Choose SD pin here **************************************/ //#define SD_CS_PIN SS // generic //#define SD_CS_PIN 4 // ethernet shield //#define SD_CS_PIN 7 // microduino #define SD_CS_PIN 10 // SD breakout /************************************** * Choose LCD model here **************************************/ LCD_SH1106 lcd; //LCD_SSD1306 lcd; //LCD_Null lcd; /************************************** * Other options **************************************/ //#define DEBUG Serial #define DEBUG_BAUDRATE 9600 #endif // CONFIG_H_INCLUDED