Files description : LICENCE GPL 3 licence text README This file Makefile Compliation directives for linux pcap2tzsp.cbp Project file for Code-Blocks (I use the 10.05 release) pcap2tzsp.vcproj Project file for Visual Studio (Express) 2005 (aka version 8) pcap2tzsp.c Main file with all the code pcap2tzsp.h Header included by pcap2tzsp.c. Includes the right pcap2tzsp_*.h detecting compilation env. pcap2tzsp_linux.h Specific header for pcap2tzsp.c library headers on Linux platform pcap2tzsp_win32_mingw.h Specific header for pcap2tzsp.c library headers on Windows platform using MinGW32 pcap2tzsp_win32_vs.h Specific header for pcap2tzsp.c library headers on Windows platform using Visual Studio